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This guide will list some of the resources available at the COD Library that you can use to find information when doing research on Sociology or cultural topics. A list of various topics can be found below.

COD Sociology Academic Program 

COD Counseling Help

Basic Social Literacy

Over on the right are some other research tools that you can use to find information.

Be sure to ask for help at the Reference desks if you have questions or problems.

College Success Skills

Basic Social Literacy / Social Intelligence

Animals and Society

General Call Numbers:  

Animal Behavior:   QL 750  

Animal Folklore:   GR 705  

Animal Philosophy:   B 105 . A 55    

Animal Rights:   HV 4708  

Animals and Civilization:   QL 85

Mythical Animals:  GR 825   

Zoology:   QL

Animal Folklore:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  GR 101 .A 54 1996

Animal Rights:  What Everyone Needs to Know

Animal Studies:  The Key Concepts.   Reference  B 105 .A 55 C 334 2021

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior.   Reference QL 750.3 .E 53 2004

Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare.   Reference HV 7408 .E 53 2010

Encyclopedia of Animals

Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology:  A Global Guide to Hidden Animals and their Pursuers  Reference QL 88.3 .N 49 2005

Encyclopedia of the World's Zoos.   Reference  QL 75 .E 53 2001

Furry Tales:  A Review of Essential Anthopomorphic Fiction

Habitats and Ecosystems:  An Encyclopedia of Endangered America.   Reference QH 76 .C 73 1999

Humans and Animals:  A Geography of Coexistence

Class and Inequality / Social Stratification

Demographics and Population Studies

Encyclopedia of American Immigration

Encyclopedia of Population.   Reference  HB  871 .E 538 2003

Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities.   Reference  GN  495.4 .E 63 2005

Life in Rural America:  A Statistical Portrait

Social Stratification in the United States (in charts and graphs)

Statistical Abstract of the United States.   Latest print editions at Ready Reference. Older editions at General HA 202 .U 5 S 93.

COD Statistics Databases

Census research  guide

Data Science research guide

Diasporas research guide

Immigration research guide

Urban Studies research guide



Ethnic Groups

There is a section just below for items about the Asian Subcontinent Area

25 Events that Shaped Asian American History

Asian  American Chronology.   Reference  E  184 .A 75 Z 47 2009

Asian American Culture (an encyclopedia)

Asian American Encyclopedia. Reference E 184 .O 6 A 827 1995

Asian American Literature:  An Encyclopedia for Students

Asian American Religious Cultures

Asian Americans : An Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political History (2014)

Chinese Americans : The History and Culture of a People

The Columbia Guide to Asian American History.   General  E  184 .A 75 O 454 2001

The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature since 1945.  Reference  PS 153 .A 84 C 65 2006

Dictionary of Asian American History.   Reference   E 184 O 6 D  53 1986

Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife

Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today 

Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature.  Reference  PS 153 .A 84 O 37 2007

Encyclopedia of Japanese American Internment

Historical Dictionary of Asian American Literature and Theater

Keywords for Asian American Studies.   Reference  E  184 .A 75 K 49 2015




Atlas of Hispanic - American History   Reference  E 184 .S 75 O 287 2001

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States  Reference E 184 .S 75 O 97 2005

Encyclopedia of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement  Reference E184 .M 5 M 458 2000

Keywords for Latina/o Studies

Latinas in the United States:  A Historical Encyclopedia

Latino America:  A State - by - State Encyclopedia   Reference  E 184 .S 75 L 35555 2008

Latino Chronology:  Chronologies of the American Mosaic.  Reference  E 184 S 75 F 543 2007

Latino Issues: A Reference Handbook  Reference E 184 .S 75 S 23 2011

Latino Policy Forum

Latinos and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia

Latinos and Latinas at Risk : Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice

Unidos.US  (for civil rights; formerly the National Council of La Raza)

Farther down within this box are entries about Veils and available Videos.

What is Islamophobia?

Arab Americans and Racism reading

American Muslim Women : Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender within the Ummah. General E 184 .M 88 K 37 2009

Acts of Faith : the Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. General E 184 .M 88 P 38 2007

American Muslim Women, Religious Authority, and Activism : More than a Prayer. General BP 173.4 .H 3654 2012

Arab and Muslim Civil Rights Issues in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Post-September 11. General F 548.9 .A 65 U 55 2003

Becoming Muslim : Western Women's Conversions to Islam. General BP 170.5 .A 1 M 36 2006

Being a Muslim in the World. General BP 163 .D 298 2013

Blaming Islam. General BP 67 .U 6 B 69 2012

Current Controversies: Islamophobia. General BP 52 .I 853 2013

Detained without Cause : Muslims' Stories of Detention and Deportation in America after 9/11. General E 184 .M 88 S 55 2011

Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History.

The Face behind the Veil : The Extraordinary Lives of Muslim Women in America. General HQ 1170 .G 43 2006

Fueling our Fears : Stereotyping, Media Coverage, and Public Opinion of Muslim Americans. General E 184 .M 88 N 33 2007

A History of Islam in America : From the New World to the New World Order. General BP 67 .U 6 G 43 2010

Homeland Insecurity : The Arab American and Muslim American Experience after 9/11. General E 184 .A 65 C 35 2009

I Speak for Myself : American Women on being Muslim. General BP 67 .A 1 I 2 2011

Islamophobia in America : The Anatomy of Intolerance. General E 184 .M 88 I 65 2013

Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemy. General E 184 .M 88 G 68 2008

Islamophobia : The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century. General BP 52 .I 854 2011

Living Islam Out Loud : American Muslim Women Speak. General BP 67.A 1 L 58 2005

Moving the Mountain : Beyond Ground Zero to a New Vision of Islam in America. General BP 67 .U 6 A 238 2012

Muslim American Youth : Understanding Hyphenated Identities through Multiple Methods. General E 184 .M 88 S 57 2008

The Muslim Next Door : The Qurʼan, the Media, and that Veil Thing. General BP 161.3 .A 374 2008

Muslim Women in America : The Challenge of Islamic Identity Today. General E 184 .M 88 H 34 2006

Muslims in America:  Examining the  Facts

Muslims in the Western Imagination. General BP 52 .S 43 2015

The Oxford Handbook of American Islam. General BP 67 .U 6 O 94 201

Scapegoating Islam : Intolerance, Security, and the American Muslim. General E 184 .M 88 T 46 2015

Shi'ism in America. General BP 192.7 .U 6 T 35 2011

Silent Victims : The Plight of Arab & Muslim Americans in Post 9/11 America. General E 184 .A 65 E 37 2004

The Uncultured Wars : Arabs, Muslims, and the Poverty of Liberal Thought.

Veiling reading no.1

Veiling reading no.2

The Islamic Veil: A Beginner's Guide. General BP 190.5 .H 44 B 83 2012

Politics of the Veil.

A Quiet Revolution : The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America. General BP 190.5 .H 44 A 46 2011

Visibly Muslim: Passion, Politics, and Faith. General BP 190.5 .C 6 T 37 2010

What is Veiling? General BP 190.5 .H 44 A 535 2014

Born in the USA: Muslim Americans. General BP 67 .U 6 B 67 2003

Muslim Life in America after 9/11. General E 184 .M 88 A 223 2006

Under One Sky: Arab Women in North America talk about the Hijab. Circulation Desk HQ 1784 .U 644 2000

Wearing Hijab: Uncovering the Myths of Islam in the United States. General BP 67.U6 W42 2003

Native Americans and Racism reading

American Indian Religious Traditions:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  E 98 .R 3 C 755 2005

American Indians at Risk : Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice

Atlas of the North American Indian

Encyclopedia of American Indian Civil Rights. General  KF 8210 .C 5 E 53 1997

Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World.  Reference  E 54 .K 46 2002

Encyclopedia of American Indian Costume.   General  E 98 .C 8 P 37 1994

Encyclopedia of American Indian Issues Today

Encyclopedia of American Indian Literature.   Reference  PM 153 .I 52 E 53 2007

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal.   Reference  E 98.R 4 E 63 2011

Encyclopedia of Native American Healing.   Reference  E 98 .M 4 L 96 1996

Encyclopedia of the American Indian in the Twentieth Century   Reference  E 77 .W 84 2015

Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement

Health and Social Issues of Native American Women

Native American Issues: A Reference Handbook. General E 98 .T 77 T 56 2005

Native American Women:  A Biographical Dictionary.  Reference  E 98 .W 8 B 39 2001

Native Americans: An Encyclopedia of History, Cultures and Peoples. 

Food and Culture

The A - to - Z Encyclopedia of Food Controversies and the Law.   Reference  KF 3869 .W 53 2011

The A - to - Z Guide to Food as Medicine.   General  RM 216 .K 67 2019

Archaeology of Food:  An Encyclopedia

Atlas of Food:  Who Eats What, Where, and Why.   Reference  HD 9000.5 .M 52 2008

Cambridge World History of Food.  General  TX 353 .C 255 2000

The Canadian Food Encyclopedia.   Reference  TX 360 .C 3 J 335 2013

The Chicago Food Encyclopedia.   Reference  TX 360 .U 63 C 4524 2017

Chocolate:  A Cultural Encyclopedia

Cooking through History:  A Worldwide Encyclopedia of Food with Menus and Recipes

Diets and Dieting:  A Cultural Encyclopedia.   Reference  RM 214.5 .G 55 2008

The Diner's Dictionary:  Word Origins  of Food and Drink.   Reference  TX 349 .A 86 2012

Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture

Ethnic American Food Today:  A Cultural Encyclopedia

Fast Food and Junk Food:  An Encyclopedia  of What We Love to Eat.   Reference  TX 370 .S 635 2012

Food:  An Atlas.  Reference  TX 353 .F 547 2013

Food and Drink in American History:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  TX 349 .F 5716 2013

Food and World Culture:  Issues, Impacts, and Ingredients

Food Cultures of the United States:  Recipes, Customs, and Issues

Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia

Food History Almanac:  Over 1,300 Years of World Culinary History, Culture, and Social Influence.   Reference  TX  353 .C 568 2014

Food:  In Context

A Foodie's Guide to Capitalism:  Understanding the Political Economy of What We Eat.   General  HD 1436 .H 65 2017

The Foodlover's Atlas of the World.   General  TX 355 .S 48 2002

Foods that Changed History:  How Foods Shaped Civilization from the Ancient World to the Present.   Reference  TX 349 .C 86 2015

The Gourmet Atlas.  General  TX 355 .W 37 1997

International Cookbook of Lifespan Celebrations

The Joy of Eating:  A Guide to Food in Modern Pop Culture

The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink.   Reference TX 349 .O 94 2007

The Oxford Companion to Beer.  Reference  TP 570 .O 94 2012

The Oxford Companion to Cheese.  Reference  SF 270.2 .O 94 2016

The Oxford Companion to Food.   Reference  TX 349 .D 36 2014

The Oxford Companion to Italian Food.   Reference TX 723 .R 5265 2009

The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets.  Reference TP 421 .O 94 2015

The Oxford Companion to Wine.   Reference  TP 548 .O 76 2015

The Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics.   General  TX 357 .O 94 2018

The Penguin Atlas of Food.   General  HD 9000.5 .M 52 2003

The Penguin Companion to Food.   Reference  TX 349 .D 38 2002

The World Atlas of Food:  A Gourmet's Guide to the Great Regional Dishes of the World.  General  TX 725 .A 1 W66 1974

World Food:  An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Social Influence.   Reference  TX 349 .S 66 2013


Health, Illness, Society, and Culture

Cultural Encyclopedia of the Body.

Death and the Afterlife: A Cultural Encyclopedia .

Diets and Dieting: A Cultural Encyclopedia.   Reference RM 214.5 .G 55 2008

Encyclopedia of Aging . Reference HQ 1061 .E 53 2006

Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health.

Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience   Reference HQ 1073 .E 544 2009

Encyclopedia of Elder Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric and Social Care . Reference RC 954 .E 53 2008

Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior.

Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures . Reference RA 418 .E 354 2004

Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development.  Reference HM 626 .E 538 2009

Encyclopedia of Public Health.

Encyclopedia of Women's Health.

Ethnic Diseases Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information. General RA 563 .M 56 E 838 2020

Gale Encyclopedia of Senior Health.

Health and Social Issues of Native American Women .

Health Care Systems Around the World.

Health Disparities in the United States: Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health.  General RA 418.3 .U 6 B 37 2008

Key Concepts in Health Psychology.

Key Concepts in Health Studies.

Key Concepts in Medical Sociology  

Mental Health Care Issues in America: An Encyclopedia.

Minority Populations and Health: An Introduction to Health Disparities in the United States

Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics.

Religion: A Clinical Guide for Nurses. General RT 85.2 .R 45 2012

Sage Dictionary of Health and Society    Reference RA 418 .W 439 2006

Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy.

The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.   Reference RA 423 .W 554 2014

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices.

Worldmark Global Health and Medicine Issues. 

Marriage and Families


Adolescence in America:  An Encyclopedia.  Reference  HQ  796 .A 33244 2001

Adolescent Health and Wellness  (an encyclopedia)..   Reference  RA 777 .A 36 2015

Boy Culture:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  HQ  797 .B 69 2010

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development

The Child:  An Encyclopedic Companion.   Reference  HQ  767.84 .C 55 2009

Community and Family Health Issues:  An Encyclopedia of Trends, Conditions, and Treatments.   Reference  RA  418.5 .F 3 C 666 2017

Digital Literacy:  Skills and Strategies.   Reference  QA 76.9 .C 64 D 5558 2022

Early Childhood Education:  An International Encyclopedia.   Reference  LB  1139.23 .E 272 2007

Encyclopedia of Child Abuse.   Reference  HV  6626.5 .C 57 2007

Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood:  In History and Society.   Reference  HQ 767.84 .E 53 2004

Encyclopedia of Family Life.  Reference  HQ  534 .E 53 1999

Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development.   Reference  HQ  767.84 .E 545 2008

The Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities for Children Birth to 3

Encyclopedia of Motherhood.   Reference  HQ 759 .E 52 2010

Encyclopedia of Special Education

Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Education

The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health

Girl Culture:  An Encyclopedia

Girlhood in America:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  HQ  777.G 5745 2001

Infancy in America:  An Encyclopedia.  Reference  HQ  774 .I 528 2001

International Encyclopedia of Adolescence.   Reference  HQ  796 .I 58 2007

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Children's Issues Worldwide.   Reference HQ  767.84 .G 74 2008

Parenthood in America:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  HQ  755.8 .P 3783 2000

Parenting:  Styles and Strategies.   Reference  HQ 755.8 .P 27468 2022

Principles of Sociology: Personal relationships & Behavior.  Reference HM 1106 .P 756 2018

The Sage Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies

Teens Growing Up:  Skills and Strategies.   Reference  HQ  796 .T 4467 2023

Teen Mental Health:  An Encyclopedia of Issues and Solutions


Background Readings

What is Children's Literature?

Gender Images in Children's Literature

Reference Materials

American Writers for Children:

     Before 1900.   Reference  PN 451 .D 5 vol.42 1985

     1900 - 1960.   Reference PN 451 .D 5 vol.22 1983

     Since 1960:  Fiction.   Reference  PN 451 .D 5 vol.52 1986

     Since 1960:  Poets, Illustrators, and Non-Fiction Authors.   Reference PN  451 .D 5 vol.61 1987

Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults.   General  PN 1009 .A 1 M 87 2007

The Continuum Encyclopedia of Children's Literature

Dictionary of American Children's Fiction:  Books of Recognized Merit

     1859 - 1959.   Reference  PS 374 .C 454 H 45 1985

     1960 - 1984.   Reference  PS 374 .C 454 H 45 1986

     1985 - 1989.   Reference  PS 374 .C 454 H 45 1993

     1990 - 1994

Historical Dictionary of Children's Literature

The International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature.   Reference PN 1008.5 .I 57 1996

The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature.   Reference PN 1008.5 .O 94 2006

The Reader's Advisory Guide to Genre Blends for Children and Young Adults.   Reference  Z 711.5 .D 49 2022

Race and Discrimination

COD Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Guide

COD Library African American History research guideLift Each Other Up

COD Library Juneteenth research  guide

See also the Documents and Readers section in this box.

There is a guide for Diversity above this one.

There is a guide for  Ethnic Groups just below the Diversity guide.

Juneteenth research guide

A discussion of Race.

A discussion of Racism in the United States.

Anti-bias Education


Asian American Discrimination


Bias - Hostile Attribution

Citizenship Education and Diversity 


Conflict Theory

Critical Race Theory

Cultural Diversity


Educational Equity

Environmental Racism



Equity Theory

Free Speech and Diversity

Hate Crimes

Hate Speech




Institutional Racism



LGBTQ Pride Month

Literary Theme: Ethnicity

Literary Theme: Race and Prejudice in American Literature.

Literary Theme: Religion, Race, and Prejudice

Literary Theme: Segregation

Literary Theme: Slavery




Online Games and Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia

The Other

OtheringPhoto of a protest with someone carrying a sign saying "Social Justice"



Race and Human Genome Variation

Race/Ethnicity and Victimization

Racial Discrimination and the Law

Racial Identity

Racial Inequity

Racial Microagression

Racial Passing

Racial Profiling

Religious Discrimination

Scientific Theories of Race



Social Definitions of Race

Social Exclusion

Social Inclusion

Social Justice Education

Sociology of Ethnic and Racial Relations


Undergraduate Readiness for Diversity


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Civil Rights Movement:  A Reference Guide.   General  E 185.61 .C 6148 2019

Civil Rights Movement:  An Encyclopedia

Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture.

Encyclopedia of American Race Riots. Volume 1 (A - M), Volume 2 (N - Z)

Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice.

Encyclopedia of Race and Crime. Reference HV 6789 .E 43 2009

Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. Reference GN 495.6 .C 37 2004

Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.

Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. Reference HT 1521 .E 63 2008.

Encyclopedia of Racism in the United States.. Reference E 184 .A 1 E 773 2005

Encyclopedia of Social Psychology

Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the U.S. Military: An Encyclopedia.

Ethnic and Racial Relations in AmericaReference  E 49 .R 33 2017

Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America.

Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity.  Reference GN 495.6 .M 445 2014

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race and Education

Race and Racism: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic.

Race and Sports:  A Reference Handbook.  General  GV 706.32 .M 96 2021

Race in American Television:  Voices and Visions that Shaped a Nation

Racial and Ethnic Relations in America:  An Encyclopedia

Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History : An Encyclopedia.

A State - by - State History of Race and Racism in the United States

This section has sub-sections for Background Readings, Reference Materials, and Websites, in that order.

There is a guide for Criminal Justice / Justice Studies, click here to go to  it.

There is a guide for Social and Restorative Justice, click here to go to it.

There is a guide for African American / Black history and culture, click here to go to it.

Background Readings

African American Criminal  Injustice

Are there Other Racial or Ethnic Groups Who Experience Disproportionate Incarceration?

Black Lives Matter

The Criminal  Justice System

Excessive Force

Police Brutality

Race / Ethnicity and Crime

Race, Ethnicity and Punishment

Racial Profiling

What Causes the Disproportionate Imprisonment of African Americans?

What Should be Done  to Address Racial Disparities in Incarceration?

Reference Materials

Crime and Punishment in America : An Encyclopedia of Trends and Controversies in the Justice System.

Hate Crimes: A Reference Handbook. General HV 6773.52 .A 47 2015

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture

Palgrave Dictionary of Public Order Policing, Protest and Political Violence   Reference HV 8055 .J 69 2014

Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations,  and Rebellions in American History:  An Encyclopedia

The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia.

See also the larger and broader collection of Criminal Justice reference books by clicking here.


Black Lives Matter

List of COD Library books on this topic.

List of COD Library videos on this topic.


A Collection of articles on the issue of Black Lives Matter

Black Freedom Struggle in the Untied States:  Open Access Documents on the Pursuit of Equality

Black  Thought and Culture database, which contains many older documents, articles and books.

Black Immigrants in North America:  Essays on Race, Immigration, Identity, Language, Hip-Hop, Pedagogy, and  the  Politics of Becoming Black.   General  F 1035 .N 3 I 268 2020

Civil Rights Movement:  A Documentary Reader

The Columbia Documentary History of Race and Ethnicity in America

Documents of American Prejudice:  An Anthology of Writings from Thomas Jefferson to David Duke.   General  E 184 .A 1 D 65 1999

Hate Crimes (The Reference Shelf)

The Inequality Reader:  Contemporary and Foundational Readings in Race, Class, and Gender

Race, Crime, and Justice:  A Reader.   General  HV 6197 .U 5 R 334 2005

Racism:  A Global  Reader.   General  HT 1521 .R 323 2003

Rethinking the Color Line:  Readings in Race and Ethnicity.  Reserves Main Campus Library Circulation; SOCIO2215

Seeking the Beloved Community:  A Feminist Race Reader.

Theories of Race and Racism:  A Reader

Understanding and Navigating Discrimination in America:  A Resource Guide

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Ku Klux Klan background reading

Reverse Discrimination discussion

White Privilege background reading

White Supremacy background reading

Whiteness background reading

Anger and Racial Politics : The Emotional Foundation of Racial Attitudes in America. General E 185.615 .B 2846 2014

Angry White Men : American Masculinity at the End of an Era.

Colored Property : State Policy and White Racial Politics in Suburban America.

Cyber Racism : White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil Rights. General E 184 .A 1 D 244 2009

Dear White America: A Letter to the New Minority. General E 184 .A 1 W 573 2012

Encyclopedia of White Power : A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right. Reference HT 1523 .E 53 2000

The Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia. Reference HS 2330 .K 63 N 49 1991

White over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812. General E 185 .J 69

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of our Racial Divide. General E 185.61 .A 5438 2016

White Supremacy Groups. General E 184 .A 1 .W 3963 2008


The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality.   General HQ 21 .I 68 2004

Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore:  Love, Sexuality, and Desire

Cultural Encyclopedia of the Body.

Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis.

A Descriptive Dictionary and Atlas of Sexology.   Reference  HQ 9 .D 34 1991

Dirty Words:  A Literary Encyclopedia of Sex

Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance.   Reference  BR 697.5 .B 63 E 55 2012

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society.

Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work.   Reference  HQ 115 .E53 2006

Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development

Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender.

Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality:  Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture

Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior and the Law.    Reference KF 9325 .A 68 M 33 2006

Faces around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia of the Human Face.

Gay Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia.   Reference HQ 75.13 .G 37 2000

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship and Sexuality throughout History.   Reference HQ 21 .G 67125 2008

International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities.  Reference HQ 1090 .I 58 2007

Key Concepts in Body and Society

Keywords  for Gender and Sexuality Studies.   Reference  HQ  1180 .K 49 2021

The Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary:  Your Guide to Interpreting 1,000 Common Dreams and Symbols about Your Romantic Life

Sex and Sexuality:  A Thematic Dictionary of Quotations.   Reference  HQ 21 .S 47158 1993

Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia.   Reference HQ 12 .S 423 2006

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct:  An Encyclopedia

Social Media

Social Media

CyberbullyingSocial media logos including YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram


Digital Divide






Influence, Peer

Influence, Social

Internet Addiction

Internet Trolling




Social Media and Food

Social Media and Relationships

The Social Media Reader

Social Networking


At Issue: Are Social Networking Sites Harmful?  General HM 742 .A 742 2015

At Issue:  User - Generated Content.  General  ZA 4482  .U 48 2007

Debates for the Digital Age: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of our Online World.   General HM 851 .D 4325 2016

Related library research guides:

Political Communication


Technology and Society

Social Problems and Culture Wars

Reference Books
Atlas of Global Inequalities.

Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices 

The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, essays.   Reference BL 65 .V 55 D 47 2004

Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice.

Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today.Photo of homeless woman outside of coffee shop

Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues.

Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion.  Reference BL 65 .P7 E 53 2007

Encyclopedia of Religion and War.  Reference BL 80.3 .E 53 2004

Encyclopedia of Religious Controversies in the United States.

Encyclopedia of School Crime and Violence.

Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media.   Reference P 96 .A 44 E 53 2011

Encyclopedia of Social Problems.   Reference HN 28 .E55 2008

Encyclopedia of Water Politics and Policy in the United States.

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Civil Rights.

Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide .

Guns in American Society : An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. Reference HV 7436 .G8783 2002

Inequality in America:  Causes and Consequences

Mental Health Care Issues in America: An Encyclopedia.

The Oxford  Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion

Race and Racism: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic.

Religion and Violence: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict from Antiquity to the Present.

Sage Encyclopedia of Food Issues.

Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia.   Reference HN 57 .S 624 2006

Today's Social Issues: Democrats and Republicans.

Vaccination Controversies: A Reference Handbook.   General RA 638 .N 495 2013

The World's Population : An Encyclopedia of Critical issues, Crises, and Ever-Growing Countries. 

Women and Gender Studies

Abortion/Birth Control, LGBTQ/Transgender,  Lifespan Development, Women in the Middle East, Women in the Military, in that order

Abortion / Birth Control


Background Readings

LGBTQ Demographics

Reference Materials

Encyclopedia of Contemporary LGBTQ Literature of the United States. Reference PS 153 .S 39 E 53 2009

Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Popular Culture. Reference HQ 75.13 .P 76 2008

Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America. Reference HQ 76.3 .U 5 E 53 2004

From Gay to Z (a dictionary)

Gay Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia. Reference HQ 75.13 .G 37 2000

Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History

Homosexuality and Religion: An Encyclopedia. Reference BL 65 .H 64 H 63 2007

Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia. Reference HQ 75.5 .L 4395 2000

LGBTQ America Today: An Encyclopedia. Reference HQ 73.3 .U 6 L 43 2009

LGBTQ:  Defining Documents in American History

The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture. Ref HQ 76.96 .R 68 2011

The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies


Lifespan Development

Women in the  Middle East

Background Readings

Birth Control


Gender and Economy

Gender and Education

Gender and Islam

Gender and Law

Gender and Politics



Women and Religious Rituals

Women in Islamic Nations

Women's Economic History in the Middle East

List of  COD Library videos on Women in the Middle East

Reference Books

Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa: An Encyclopedia. {Under Construction}

Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World

Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa.

Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures.   Reference HQ 1170 .E 53 2003

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide:  The Middle East and North Africa.   Reference  HQ  1115 .G 7 2003

Women in the Military

Women and the Military:  An Encyclopedia.   General  U 21.75 .S 54 1996

Women and War : A Historical Encyclopedia from Antiquity to the Present.   Reference U 24 .W 69 2006

Women and War in the 21st Century: A Country-by-Country Guide

Women in Combat: A Reference Handbook.   General UB 418 .W 65 S 563 2011

List of COD Library videos on Women and War / Military

A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women. Reference HQ1136 .L54 2008

A to Z of Homosexuality

American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles.   Reference HM 647 .A 44 2009

American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia

Battleground: Women, Gender and Sexuality. Reference HQ 1115 .B 38 2008

Beauty Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia.

Biographical Dictionary for Women.

Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. Reference. HQ 797 .B 69 2010

Coming of Age in Popular Culture : Teenagers, Adolescence, and the Art of Growing Up

The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

Critical Insights to Literature:  Gender, Sex, and Sexuality.   General  PN 56 .S 5 G 56 2014

Cultural Encyclopedia of the Body.

Daily Life of Women:  An Encyclopedia from Ancient Times  to the Present

The Drag Dictionary: An Illustrated Glossary of Fierce Queen Slang.   Reference  HQ 73 .D 432 2021

Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention.

Encyclopedia of American Women and Religion

Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance. Ref. BF 697.5 .B 63 E55 2012

Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature

Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Popular Culture.   Reference HQ 75.13 .P 76 2008

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society.

Encyclopedia of Gender in Media. Reference P 96.S5 E53 2012

Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History

Encyclopedia of Human Relationships

Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions.

Encyclopedia of Motherhood.  Reference HQ 759 .E 52 2010

Encyclopedia of Rape.  Reference HV 6558 .E 53 2004

Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender.

Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World's Cultures.

Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films

Encyclopedia of Social Networks.

Encyclopedia of Women and American Politics. Reference HQ 1236.5 .U 6 E 52 2008

Encyclopedia of Women and Gender: Sex Similarities and Differences and the Impact of Society on Gender.

Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America. Reference BL 458 .E 52 2006

Encyclopedia of Women in the American West

Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World.

Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance : Italy, France, and England. Reference HQ 1148 .W 67 2007

Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions:  Faith and Culture across History

Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers. General HQ 1236 .R29 2001

Encyclopedia of Women's Folklore and Folklife.

Encyclopedia of Women's History in the United States

Faces Around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia of the Human Face.

Feet and Footwear: A Cultural Encyclopedia.

Female Action Heroes : A Guide to Women in Comics, Video Games, Film, and Television.

Feminism:  Critical Insights to Literature.   General  PN 56 .F 46 F 4656 2020

Feminist Philosophies, A to Z.

From Suffrage to the Senate: America's Political Women 

Gender Inequality:  A Reference  Handbook.  General  HQ 1237 ,N 49 2019

Gender, Sex, and Sexuality:  Critical Insights to Literature

Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia.

Great Lives from History:  LGBTQ

Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide.  Reference  HQ 1115 .G 7 2003

Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements

International Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Reference HQ 796 .I 58 2007

International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family.

International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. Reference HQ 1090 .I 58 2007

International Encyclopedia of Women's Suffrage.

Key Concepts in Feminist Theory and Research .

Keywords  for Gender and Sexuality Studies.   Reference  HQ  1180 .K 49 2021

Latinas in the United States:  A Historical Encyclopedia

LGBTQ Events in History.  Reference  HQ 73 .L 438 2017

Marriage Customs of the World : An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions.

Men and Masculinity:  The Basics.  General  HQ 1090 .E 315 2017

Misogyny in American Culture: Causes, Trends, and Solutions

Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History.  Reference  HN 57  .O 94 2012

Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy

Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History

Pride:  A Celebration in Quotes

The Queen's English:  The LGBTQIA+ Dictionary of LIngo and Colloguial Phrases

Queer Cinema in America:  An Encyclopedia

Routledge Encyclopedia of Queer Culture.   Reference  HQ  76.96 .R 68 2011

Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues and Knowledge. Reference HQ 1115 .R 69 2000

The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies

Wimmin, Wimps, and Wallflowers: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Gender and Sexual Orientation Bias in the United States.

Women Adventurers,1750-1900 : A Biographical Dictionary, with Excerpts from Selected Travel Writings. Reference G 245 .M 38 2008

Women and Health:  Global Lives in Focus.   General  RA 778 .W 674 2020

Women and Religion:  Global Lives in Focus

Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection

Women in Higher Education: An Encyclopedia. General LC 1569 .W 66 2002

Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Reference HQ 1115 .W 6 2000

Women's Health.   Reference  RA  564.85 .W 664 2019

The Women's Movement Today: An Encyclopedia of Third-Wave Feminism. Reference HQ 1115 .W 644 2006

Women's Rights in the United States : A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Issues, Events, and People.

Women's Roles and Statuses the World Over. Reference HQ 1236 .H 46 2006

Women's Studies Encyclopedia. Reference HQ 1115 .W 645 1999

Beyond Rosie:  A Documentary History of Women and World War II.   General  D 810 .W 7 B 49 2015

Defining Documents in American History:  LGBTQ (1923 -2018)

Defining Documents in World History:  Women's Rights (1429 - 2017)

The Gendered Society Reader.   General  HQ 1075 .G 4672 2011

Male Privilege.  (a collection of readings)  General  HQ  1090 .M 3287 2020

Major Problems in American Women's History:  Documents and Essays.  General  HQ 1410 .M 34 1996

Opinions throughout History:  Gender:  Roles and Rights

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600 - 2000, a database of documents and articles

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