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The best courses start with the end in mind. What will students learn or be able to do by the end of this class? This Magna Online Seminar helps you organize your workflow and equips you with the tools to line up your course learning elements with your student learning outcomes.
This Magna Online Seminar is perfect for those of you who are just a little lost, a little confused, or really want a glimpse of course planning with a real-life instructional designer. This seminar will focus on the prep work that happens BEFORE the syllabus is given to students.
Learn how to deliver fundamental course concepts in a way that helps develop the skills that students need in order to think like professionals in your discipline. This seminar helps you adjust your course design and components to focus on the most important materials and concepts and use them to foster engaging interactions during class.
Careful course planning minimizes stress and improves learning by reducing the chances of content crush and panic often experienced at the end of the term. Learn how to take a more holistic view of your courses by shifting your mindset beyond content to consider course rhythms and the natural ebbs and flows of student motivation.