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Library Policies: Home

Library Mission Statement

The College of DuPage Library’s mission is to be an exemplary academic library that supports the educational goals and purposes of the college. The Library is dedicated to providing instruction and access to resources and services that support the academic program and the general information needs, diverse cultural interests, intellectual development, and professional growth of the entire college community.


  • Educate the college community in accessing and evaluating information, library research skills, and critical thinking through a comprehensive information literacy program.
  • Select, maintain and provide access to a collection of materials chosen for their quality, currency and relevance to the academic curriculum and the educational needs of the community.
  • Provide an environment conducive to individual and collaborative research and study.
  • Deliver reference and information services that support the college's academic curriculum and programs and promote lifelong learning throughout the college community.
  • Recruit and support through continuing professional education a library staff whose knowledge, skills and abilities evolve with the changing landscape of information and education.
  • Endorse the Library Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics as set forth by the American Library Association, affirming the library as a forum for information and ideas.

Revised: January, 2013

Library Bill of Rights

The College of DuPage Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights as set forth by the American Library Association, affirming the library as a forum for information and ideas.

Code of Ethics

The College of DuPage Library endorses the Code of Ethics as set forth by the American Library Association.

Library's Philosophy of Service

The Library of the College of DuPage serves a diverse community of users. The Library's administration, faculty and staff respect and celebrate that diversity. We broadly define our customer as any individual seeking information or knowledge. We assert that all Library users are individuals who should be treated with courtesy and respect.

Through our core services, we strive to support our users in their quest for knowledge. Those core services include:

  • The maintenance of a collection of materials chosen for their quality, diversity, currency and relevance to the academic curriculum and the needs of the community
  • The promotion of comprehensive and dynamic information services which support and enhance lifelong learning
  • The provision of a comprehensive program of user instruction which promotes library research skills in conjunction with critical thinking skills
  • We believe that all Library users are entitled to:
    • Access to timely and accurate sources of information regardless of format or location
    • Appropriate and knowledgeable assistance from the Library faculty and staff whether this is in the form of reference assistance, referral, user instruction or basic Library orientation
    • Clean, safe, attractive and reasonably quiet library surroundings that foster an environment conducive to quiet study and academic scholarship
    • Availability of fully functional equipment which allows them to complete their work (i.e., computers, printers, photocopiers, etc.)

Library Patron Responsibilities

In order to ensure that the above mentioned rights are enjoyed by all Library users, we expect that individuals using the Library will govern their own actions by basic rules of civility, respect and courtesy.

Following are several basic guidelines, provided as examples of behavior expected in order to ensure a positive atmosphere for all Library users.

  • Help us to maintain a quiet working atmosphere throughout the facility; please refrain from disruptive behavior in all parts of the Library.
  • Avoid conversation in designated quiet areas. Silence should be maintained in "Silent Zones."
  • Use collaborative work zones to study and work together.
  • Cellphones should be placed on vibrate or silent mode, and all cellphone conversations should be held quietly, in areas not specifically designated as quiet or silent areas.
  • Similarly, collaborative technology (headphones, microphones, Skype, Blackboard Collaborate, etc.) can be used in areas not specifically designated as quiet or silent areas, as long as its use does not disturb the surrounding patrons.
  • Respect Library materials and remove items from the Library only after checking them out.
  • Follow the Library Food and Drink Policy
  • Solicitation and selling is not allowed in the Library. Seek permission of Library Administration to display or distribute notices.
  • Follow all rules and regulations of the College of DuPage, and all relevant federal, state and municipal laws.

If, after adequate warning, a Library patron fails to abide by our established patron responsibilities, he or she may be asked to leave the facility. College of DuPage Police Department personnel will be called for assistance in the event of further non-compliance.

Revised: April 27, 2018

Services to the Public and District Residents

The mission of the Library is to support the educational goals and purposes of the College. This includes the academic program and the general information needs, diverse cultural interests, intellectual development, and professional growth of the entire College community. We gladly offer our services as a courtesy to the residents of Community College District 502 and the general public to the extent that resource limitations and legal restrictions allow.

General Public

The College of DuPage Library is open to the public. While on campus, the Library’s print and electronic collections are available for use in public study areas, open computing areas, and over the public wireless network.

The Library reference staff are available to assist the general public with navigating and utilizing Library resources and assisting with research inquiries in-person, by phone, email, chat and text. Please refer to the Ask-A-Librarian page for more information.

District Residents

Library Cards

Residents of District 502 and people working for companies located in District 502 who are 18 years of age or older may obtain a District Resident Library Card. In order to obtain a card, District residents must present proof of present address, age, and a photo ID at the Circulation Services desk to obtain a card. District 502 company employees must present a signed letter on company letterhead verifying employment, a photo ID, and proof of present address. District Resident cards must be renewed in-person every year.

Materials Available for Checkout

District Resident card holders may borrow any materials in the COD collection which normally circulate, including books, videos/multimedia, audiobooks and musical recordings. Study Rooms are available on a walk-up basis during evenings and weekends. Audio-visual equipment, computing resources, and materials that have been placed on course reserve for student use are not available for checkout to district residents. Electronic collections are only available at COD campus locations, in the Library, and at the College Regional Centers. Please refer to the Loan Periods & Fines Policy for more details.

Interlibrary Lending

District Resident card holders are also granted the privilege of requesting books from other libraries through the College Interlibrary Loan service. They may receive 40 books per year (July 1-June 30) through interlibrary loan.

Adopted: June 15, 2016

Children in the Library

The COD Library is open to COD students, faculty, staff, and community members. Children under the age of 16 are welcome in the Library but, for their own safety, must be accompanied at all times and continuously supervised by a parent or other responsible adult. Unaccompanied children will be reported to Campus Police and may be taken to the Office of Public Safety after reasonable attempts have been made to locate a parent or guardian.

Minors who are currently enrolled in a College of DuPage program or class (e.g., Kids on Campus, Talent Search or Teens on Campus) must be accompanied and supervised by an instructor who will be responsible for their safety and appropriate use of the facility and resources. Students enrolled in the above programs are entitled to a library card. This card will give them borrowing privileges and is valid for the duration of the semester in which they are enrolled. The same rules of behavior will be applied to them as to adult users.

Students under 16 who are currently enrolled in COD credit classes may use the Library without a chaperone after registering as a Library patron and informing Library Administration of their status.

Revised: July 21, 2011

Animals in the Library

In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the COD Library welcomes Service Animals, and Service Animals are permitted in any area of the Library where members of the public are permitted to go except where the presence or behavior of the animal may compromise the health or safety of the animal or others, or fundamentally alters the nature of the program or activity. Trainers are also permitted to accompany Service Animals in training in the Library.

In direct compliance with College of DuPage Policy 3.22 Animals on Campus: No animals are permitted on Campus or in any College Facility except: (1) service animals, as that term is defined under the federal Americans With Disabilities Act regulations, including 28 C.F.R. § 35.104, and relevant provisions of Illinois law, including the Illinois Service Animal Access Act, 720 ILCS 5/48-8; (2) animals that have received prior approval from the College Police Department or the President or his/her designee; (3) those authorized by a Dean for laboratory use, in accordance with Policies and Administrative Procedures; and (4) as otherwise provided for by state or federal laws or regulations.

Revised: March 16, 2022

Use of Computers and Laptop Internet Connections

Appropriate Use

The College of DuPage Library provides public computer workstations and a public wireless network that offer comprehensive access to information and applications. These workstations and the public wireless network are designed to offer the COD community access to electronic library catalogs, databases, and other information sources to help users meet the objectives of their studies, research or other information needs. Appropriate use guidelines have been established in order to ensure the maximum library-related use of these workstations and laptop Internet connections. The following activities are considered to be the primary library-related uses for which the computers and laptop Internet connections are reserved:

  • Searching of library catalogs, online or electronic databases and files mounted by the Library or made accessible by the Library through its Web site
  • Use of the Internet to complete classroom assignments or perform research tasks (this includes Internet searching, email, and chat for educational/research purposes)
  • Use of Library-supported software applications such as word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software to complete classroom assignments or prepare career-oriented documents

First priority will be given to library-related use of the computers and wireless network connections during high demand periods

Users of library computer equipment must not engage in illegal activity and must abide by the following Board policy and procedure:

COD Board Electronic Communications Policy (#10-126) contained in the Policy Manual of the COD Board of Trustees

Revised: July 21, 2011

Guidelines for Use of Computers in the College of DuPage Library

Priority for use of Library computers is for COD students doing class-related research and assignments. Other educational use of the Library’s computers and connections by members of the COD community is also encouraged. Use of Library workstations is on a first come, first served basis. During busy times, computer users may be asked to give up their computer for another user. Personal (non-Library-related) use of Library computers (e.g., personal e-mail or personal web-browsing) may be allowed when there is little demand for computers. Game playing and other recreational use of Library computers are not allowed. Computer users must be prepared to finish their work on the computers before closing time. Persons using Library computers shall be mindful that they are in a public environment and be respectful of others. The College of DuPage Library is not responsible for loss of data or damage to a user’s equipment or other liability that may occur from patron use of Library computers.

Revised: November, 2013

The Internet

User Responsibilities

The user agrees to hold the Library harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of information obtained from the Library's electronic information system.

Choosing Sources

The Internet is a worldwide computer network, which provides easy access to a massive body of information. It offers a wealth of educational, recreational, and cultural information that vastly increases the resources available to the Library's users. It is the user's responsibility to choose which resources to access. Be aware that the Internet is unregulated and materials accessed through it may be inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, biased, inappropriate, or offensive. Since the Library has no control over content, individuals use it at their own risk.

Children's Use of the Internet

It is the policy of the College of DuPage Library that the responsibility for use of materials and resources by children rests with the parents or legal guardian. The Library cannot control the content of information accessed over the Internet. Parents or guardians must supervise their children's Internet sessions.

Courtesy to Others

Individuals should use the Internet in a courteous, reasonable, and responsible manner. When using the Library's computers, patrons are asked to limit their use if others are waiting. Patrons are also asked to remember that the Library is a public place and that they should exercise discretion in viewing text or graphics that may be offensive to others.

Printing and Downloading

Patrons wishing to download files from the Internet do so at their own risk (please see virus warning under Guidelines). Users must provide their own storage media for downloaded files. All printing must be completed within any posted or announced time limits.


Displaying of sexually suggestive images may create a hostile environment for others, and could also be in violation of State or Federal obscenity laws.

The user agrees to hold the Library harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of information obtained from the Library's electronic information system.

Revised: July 21, 2011

Library Food and Drink Policy

The College of DuPage Library strives to maintain a clean study environment and cause minimal distraction to its patrons. To this end:

  • Drinks in closed-lid containers are allowed.
  • Foods that can damage materials or cause distractions to others are prohibited.

Please refer to the Library Patron Responsibility policy above.

Leave no trace. It is your responsibility to clean up after yourself. Put food, trash and recyclables in proper waste containers.

Revised: September, 2023


The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the reproduction, distribution, adaptation, public performance, and public display of copyrighted material. Responsibility for any possible copyright infringement lies solely with the user; the Library disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting thereof.

COD Library Copyright Information

COD Library Copyright Guide

Library Privacy Policy

Privacy of Library Records with Reference to the USA PATRIOT Act

Policy and Procedures for Responding to Search Warrants and Subpoenas

The College of DuPage Library is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of all personally identifiable information about Library users. In accordance with the Illinois Library Records Confidentiality Act (75 ILCS 70/1) all borrowers' registration, circulation, and use records are confidential and may not be revealed to the public except by court order.

The Library interprets this Act to include:

  • Patron name, address, telephone number, and place of employment.
  • A listing of items which a patron has checked out.
  • The identity of a patron with a particular item checked out.
  • Any patron debts owed to the Library.
  • Use records of any Library equipment such as computer equipment.

The above information will only be disclosed to the patron directly. Such information will not be disclosed to any other patron, family member, or College of DuPage staff except as detailed below.

In order to comply with this Act, requests for release of one's own information by a patron should be made in person. The patron requesting his/her information must present two forms of identification, one of which must be a picture ID. If written or phone requests are made, the information requested will be mailed only to the patron's address of record.

This Act does not preclude the Library's use of patron records for purposes of recovering Library materials, fines, or other charges related to the use of Library property, even if that includes release of necessary information to a college official, collection agency, or law enforcement agency. The Library also recognizes that there may be occasions when records regarding Library users will be requested through lawfully issued subpoenas and search warrants. It is the policy of the Library that confidential Library records should not be released or made available in any form to a federal agent, law enforcement officer, or other person unless a court order in proper form has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction after a showing of good cause by the law enforcement agency or person seeking the records.

If the court order is a search warrant issued pursuant to the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 ("USA PATRIOT Act" or "Patriot Act"), special requirements must be followed. The USA PATRIOT Act became law on October 26, 2001 and expanded the authority of law enforcement to gain access to business records, medical records, educational records and Library records, including stored electronic data and communications. It also expanded the laws governing wiretaps and "trap and trace" phone devices to Internet and electronic communications. The Act allows law enforcement agents or officers to obtain a search warrant for "any tangible thing", which can include books, records, papers, floppy disks, data tapes, and computers with hard drives.

The USA Patriot Act also stipulates that law enforcement agents can obtain a court order allowing the monitoring of Internet and e-mail use, or requiring that the Library provide the information about such use to law enforcement from the Library's records. If an order of this type is received, the Library shall cooperate with law enforcement in setting up monitoring devices or providing information.

Pursuant to the Patriot Act, the Library is prohibited from disclosing to the Library user or any other party that communications are being monitored or records have been obtained.

In order to respond appropriately to request for patron's records, the Library hereby adopts appropriate procedures.

Revised: May 19, 2005

Library Collection Development Policy

Library Circulation Policies

Library Exhibit Policy

Library exhibits should be consistent with the educational mission of the College and sponsored by a College of DuPage department, committee, or organization. Exhibits sponsored by non-Library departments or groups are coordinated and approved by Library Administration. Exhibits should include a title and statement of intent or purpose. The name of the exhibit’s sponsor should be clearly indicated on the display. The Library does not take responsibility for the accuracy or the ideas expressed in exhibits produced by other departments or organizations.

Revised: March 9, 2016

Lost and Found & Unattended Personal Items

To ensure the protection of patrons and their belongings, personal items should not be left unattended. Items left will be taken to COD Campus Police Dispatch Desk at SRC 2100.

The College of DuPage Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Revised: September, 2023

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