Looking for somewhere to study in the Library? The Library has several types of study spaces available for individuals and groups. Look below to learn more about what spaces are available.
Not sure where to go in the library to find your study space? Take a look at the Library maps for the upper and lower Library floors, or just talk to anyone seated at a desk, and you'll be directed to the right spot.
The Library has two kinds of Collaborative Spaces: tables located on the upper and lower floors, and study rooms on the upper floor. Individuals and groups can study and talk at a normal volume in Collaborative Spaces.
Study rooms can be reserved in advance, and are equipped with white boards and monitors that you can connect to laptops and other mobile devices. COD Students can reserve Study Rooms for up to 3 hours.
District Residents with an active Library card are also welcome to use the study rooms on a walk-up basis weekdays after 6pm, all day Friday and on weekends, any day during the Summer semester, or during semester breaks.
There are three ways to book a room.
Only COD students can reserve rooms in advance.
We have 16 rooms that range in size and layout.
You can learn about our study rooms by clicking on the "Info" icon next to each of the rooms listed in our room booking system.
COD Students can reserve rooms online.
Yes. COD alums are welcome to use the rooms on a walk-in basis during the following times:
· Mondays through Thursdays after 6:00pm.
· All day on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
· All day anytime the College is on break or in between semesters.
Study room keys are available at the upper level circulation desk with one exception. The key to the accessible study room is available at the main floor circulation desk.
The Library has two individual study pods available on a first-come, first-served basis on the upper floor. The smaller pod has a stool and small counter, perfect for taking a quick phone call; the larger pod is equipped with a desk and chair for individual study. Pods, while not 100% soundproof, offer students a private, quiet place ideal for focused work.
No. Study pods are first-come, first-served.
One. These are designed for one user at a time.
Yes. The study pods are first-come, first-served.
There are two other options:
There is currently no time limit.
Quiet spaces are located on the upper and lower floors of the Library. Quiet Spaces are marked in green on our maps.
These spaces can be used by groups that want some quiet, but with the option to still talk a little. We ask that speaking be kept quiet, and to a minimum. Cellphone conversations are not allowed in quiet spaces.
Need a quiet spot to work? The Library has Silent Spaces on the upper floor overlooking the prairie, and individual carrels in room 3126 near the Reference Desk. Silent Spaces are marked in blue on our maps.
To keep these spaces quiet, we ask that there be absolutely no talking, cellphone use, or any other sounds that could disrupt others. Silent Spaces are best suited for individual study.