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INMP 2021 - Paris: Introduction


Welcome to the INMP Class Guide - Mexico

You'll find resources containing background information and current information on Mexico as well as the other countries that will be represented at the INMP negotiations.


The Issue:  Preparing for a global pandemic and the lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic of 2020-201. Issues will include how to ensure that safe vaccine will be available to all countries.


The other INMP Governments/Authorities  

Brazil China
European Union Palestinian Authority
India Nigeria 
Russia USA

The resources in this guide are not country-specific, but rather can be used to research most of the other Governments/Authorities for 2021.  

Perspectives through which to analyze the issues

  • The issues (General overview)
  • History of issue as related to Mexico    
  • Current status of issue in Mexico
  • Viewpoint of other nations


Keywords to help get you started


Search Concepts

Try using these keywords as a starting point for searching.   This is not a complete list of keywords - use your own as you find them in other resources.

Preparing for a Global Pandemic


Pandemic OR Epidemic 


Coronavirus OR Covid-19   Health Car Policy 
SARS-CoV-2 (The name of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease.)  
Vaccine OR "Vaccine distribution"  "Social Distancing" 
Covid Testing Symptomatic
Contact Tracing  Quarantine
Community Transmission  Asymptomatic
Face Masks OR Cloth Masks, N95 Respirators   


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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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