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Music 1100 - Music Appreciation : Library Assignment One

Library Assignment One Instructions

Library Assignment One

From the Assignment "...locate books, recordings, scores, and videos in the COD collection and like materials in libraries throughout the country to complete the historical perspective, biography and musical analysis. This assignment teaches you to use authenticated sources; sources that have been scholarly referenced."


After successful completion of this assignment you should be able to:

  • Access and use the COD Library electronic resources, including the catalog and databases
  • Employ various search strategies to locate and access resources
  • Save and export records to an email address
  • Understand check out procedures for COD "online" students and Interlibrary Loan procedures
Assignment Preparation:
Library Services

Reference Help -Need assistance finding resources? Contact the Humanities Librarian, Ken Orenic at for answers to quick questions or to set up an appointment for an in-depth consultation. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Reference Services.  

Due Date

The due date for this assignment is listed on the course calendar and syllabus.


This assignment is graded on a 100 point scale and if not submitted, your research paper will not be accepted and you may fail this course.

Assignment Procedure

Choose a 20th Century composer of interest after listening to their music and use the COD Library catalog to find the following materials:

  • Books
  • A Sound Recording
  • A score (if available)
  • A video (if available)

Searching the Library's Catalog

Searching the Library's Catalog

Use the COD catalog to search our collection of books, music recordings and scores, and films. This catalog also searches the I-Share catalog, giving you access to over 11 million items.


Start by adding a search term, such as the composer's name.



Limiting Your Search Results

On the right side of the screen, click on the "Resource Type" and then select the resource type, such as Books, Videos, Scores, etc.  Note that you can select more than one resource type.  

Interlibrary Loan Requests

All three catalogs can now be searched simultaneously using the Library’s catalog. For more information on using I-Share and Interlibrary loans, visit this site.  
Please note that Interlibrary Loan requests can take up to 10 business days, so plan your requests accordingly. Also note that you can check out a book from a participating library directly by visiting the library that owns the book you want. You need to set up your I-Share account first.

Emailing your Citations:

Email 1: Sources found in the COD Catalog
Emailing your citations: Compile your research findings in a word document. Include in the document the following information:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Call Number (if a physical item from the library)
  • Lending library name
  • Database Name (for articles located using a database)

Email a copy to your instructor. When you send the copy, please be sure to include your name in the subject line, as follows:
Email 1: Music 1100 COD Catalog Your Name Lib 1.
If you do not include your name, your instructor will have no way of knowing who sent the email.

Email 2: Sources found in the I-Share/WorldCat Catalog
This assignment will utilize the I-Share / WorldCat Catalog, which is accessed from the same website as the COD catalog.
Emailing your citations: Compile your research findings in a word document. Include in the document the following information:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Lending library name (if requested through Interlibrary Loan)

Email a copy to your instructor. When you send the copy, please be sure to include your name in the subject line, as follows:
Email 2: Music 1100 I-Share/ Worldcat Catalog Your Name Lib 1.
If you do not include your name, I'll have no way of knowing who sent the email.

Searching the Library’s Article Databases – Academic Search Complete & Credo Reference

In addition to the Library’s Catalog, other useful sources include the databases Academic Search Complete and Credo Reference. These databases are accessible from the Library’s Databases.
Searching these databases is similar to using the book catalog. For both databases, try searching the composer’s name first.

Email 3: Sources found in the COD Article Databases
Emailing your citations: Compile your research findings in a word document. Include in the document the following information:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Database Name (for articles located using a database)

Email a copy to your instructor. When you send the copy, please be sure to include your name in the subject line, as follows:
Email 3: Music 1100 COD Databases Your Name Lib 1.
If you do not include your name, I'll have no way of knowing who sent the email.

Email 4: Research Strategy

The research essay involves more than just biographical information about a composer. It requires your involvement with the music of a composer and understanding the history in which your composer lives so you can also write about how the times affected the composer and music. Develop a search "strategy" for information on the specific genre or specific composition associated with your research topic using either the COD Library Catalog to illustrate your methodology. A concise paragraph (on one page, double spaced) detailing your method and results should be emailed with the other portions of this assignment. There is a sample strategy paragraph in research information in course information for you to model. When you send this to the instructor, please note in the subject line the following information:
Music 1100 Paragraph Your Name Assignment 1.

Your name must appear in the subject line of each email in order for receive credit.

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