The general period when the play was created/written: place and conditions of the play and the performance's setting, including relevant imagery, pictorial illustrations of the subject matter, related art forms, etc. This area includes interaction among the worlds of the play, the author and the audience.
Britannica Academic is an online resource for academic research, including articles, videos, and primary sources. It provides reliable, expert-reviewed information across a wide range of subjects, such as history, science, and literature. The platform is designed to support students, researchers, and faculty with tools for citation and advanced search features.
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
JSTOR provides electronic access to major journal titles, eBooks, and images. Subjects covered by this database include art, biology, business, ecology, botany, general science, language, literature, mathematics, sustainability, security, music, and more. JSTOR is a great resource for general research. A personal account can be created to store and organize resources.
ImageQuest has nearly three million rights-cleared images from 59 leading collections. These collections include the Bridgeman Art Gallery, Dorling Kindersley Images, Getty Images, the National Portrait Gallery of London, the National Geographic Society, and many other great collections.
The TimeMachine has every issue of the New York Times from 1851-2002, as originally printed. Access is available through your New York Times Digital Edition account. Use your COD email to create an account or log in with your existing account information.
For further information, visit
Video resources can provide access to filmed productions of plays, or documentaries of about topics related to plays under study. Note that some video resources have additional information, such as essays about the playwright, production or topic that can help you contextualize your analysis of the play.