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Academic Honesty: Instructor Toolbox

Academic Honesty

COD Academic Honesty Policy handout: A simple handout that outlines the College's policy and provides resources - online and on-campus - for students.

COD Academic Integrity Brochure: A tri-fold brochure outlining the College's commitment to our Core Values of integrity, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Creating a Classroom Culture of Integrity: Three key discussions to have with your students as well as open-ended questions for longer conversations.

Institutional Toolkit to Combat Contract Cheating: A resource from the International Center for Academic Integrity.


Classroom Testing Best Practices: A COD Testing Center Guide to the Top Security Issues in Classroom Testing


Supporting Student Academic Integrity: Preventing, Identifying and Dealing with Plagiarism [presentation slides]


What is Patchwriting?

Patchwriting occurs when a novice writer attempts to paraphrase, but fails to properly restate the original statement in their own words. Patchwriting relies heavily on the vocabulary and syntax of the original writing and often involves the writer rearranging words and phrases. 

Some institutions consider patchwriting a form of plagiarism, however, the COD Library recommends viewing patchwriting as a novice writing mistake and a learning opportunity for the student writer rather than an act requiring punitive measures. 

Comparison of an original quote and patchwriting example

Recommended articles

Howard, R. (1992). A plagiarism pentimento. Journal of Teaching Writing,11(2), 233-245. [link]

Howard, R., Serviss, T., & Rodrigue, T. (2010). Writing from sources, writing from sentences. Writing & Pedagogy, 2(2). [link]

Walker, A. L. (2008). Preventing unintentional plagiarism: A method for strengthening paraphrasing skills. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35(4), 387-395. [link]

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