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More Openness in Government. New York Times. Mar 14, 2007. pg. E.1. Ouroussoff, Nicolai.
Morphosis and Arup engineers create dynamic form that follows function for the U.S. Federal Building in San Francisco Architectural Record. August 2007. pg. 97. Gonchar, Joann.
Those who live in glass houses . . . The surprising benefits behind transparency. Crain's Chicago Business. Oct 30, 2006 v29 i44 p40. Klein, Sarah A.
Getting Aggressive About Passive Design. Architectural Record. May 2007. Fortmeyer, Russell.
New Youth Center Grand Beacon of Optimism. Chicago Tribune. June 4, 2006. Kamin, Blair.
The Gary Comer Youth Center: Chicago's Most Transformative Building? Metropolis Magazine. December 6, 2006. Hockenberry, John.
Behemoth along the lake: Architectural preview unveils a Lucas Museum 'colossus.' Chicago Tribune, November 4, 2014. Kamin, Blair.
Ma Yansong Unveils Design for George Lucas Museum. Architectural Record. November 3, 2014. Bernstein, Fred. (Database version)
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