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Astronomy: Websites & Data

Using Websites

Websites can be a powerful way to research current developments in your subject, from seeing the websites of current researchers (and their topics of research) to videos that explain how to solve problems (both ethical and mathematical).  Check the box below for examples of different websites that might help you research.

Keep in mind that you'll want to evaluate all information you find carefully.  Need help figuring out how to separate the good from the bad?  Check out our guide to Source Evaluation.

Learning and Research

NASA Homepage
General information about space, images, streaming videos.  Great information about recent explorations, too, such as New Horizon and others.
Hubble Telescope-generated pictures (in Gallery), history and news related to the telescope, Hubble discoveries explained, education, and astronomy exploration covered in this website from the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
From the JPL at the California Institute of Technology, news and research on earth-study from space, the solar system, stars and galaxies and more.
Meteor Showers
News and current information about meteor showers
Sky & Telescope Education Site
Includes guides to "how-to", weekly descriptions of the "This Week's Sky at a Glance," equipment test reports, and resources lists of including internet links, astronomy clubs, and special astronomy-related events.
Arxiv is a massive pre-publication open database of scholarly articles in astronomy, physics, and related subjects. 

General Data Sources

Specialized Data Sources

Special Astronomy Databases/Data sets

Still not finding what you need? Try Princeton's Data Guide, or those of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. And, as for any other question, you can always contact me.

Citing Data Sets

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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