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BIOLO 1110: Patwardhan

Gathering Context

As you consider possible topics for this research paper, you'll want to consult a couple of different places in order to narrow your research topic.


Remember that neither the Gale articles nor the Wikipedia articles count as scholarly sources

Reference and Article Sources

If your presentation is focused on a biotechnology technique, you will find the following sources helpful:

Struggling to remember how to search one of these databases, or how to identify or read a scholarly article?  Take a look at one of the links below:

Cite Your Work: APA Style

Of course, as you get ideas and data from your sources, you want to be able to cite them.  Keep in mind that you want to cite not only quotations, but also ideas that you get from your research.

Not sure if you are paraphrasing, plagiarizing, or patchwriting?  Check out Academic Integrity by Ulrike Kestler, which has a section on all three

Need some help putting together citations?  Check out the helpful links below: 

Want software to create citations for you? Check out the database below:

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  • Last Updated: Apr 29, 2024 9:56 AM
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