Professor Chowdhury Research Article Assignment
Social Science Research Methods help
Write an Annotated Bibliography
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A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers. General HM 585 .G 78 2008
Making Sense : A Student's Guide to Research and Writing : Social Sciences. General H 62 .N 67 2009
Sociology Research Paper Ideas
The Sociology Student Writer's Manual and Readers Guide. General HM 569 .J 64 2017
A Sociology Writer's Guide. General HM 585 .Y 45 2009
Successful Academic Writing: A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists. General P301.5 .A 27 S 56 2017
Writing in the Social Sciences. General PE 1479 .S 62 M 85 2010
Writing in Sociology: A Brief Guide.General HM 569 .M 67 2017
Writing Literature Reviews : A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. General H 62 .G246 2017
Writing Papers in Psychology General BF 76.7 .R 67 2009
Here is the research article assignment from Dr. Chowdhury.
You may work with another student from class on this assignment, you just have to have different articles to review.
Use the SocIndex database that has full text articles. (If that database is unavailable, use the Academic Search Complete database.)
Think of some topic that deals with some aspect of Sociology. Think of the keywords that apply to this topic. Search those words in the database. Make sure that you limit the results to full-text articles that are scholarly, peer-reviewed. When you find an article read through it to find the information to answer the questions below.
Please type up the answers to the questions below. Please be neat.
At the top of the page, be sure to put your name, the course name and number, the professor's name, and the date.
Then provide the items below:
Click here for examples of ASA citation style.
What is the Title of the Article ?
1. What was the authors’ rationale for the study? What questions are the author/authors seeking to address or answer?
2. What was the prediction or hypotheses?
1. What methodological approaches were used to obtain data for this study?
1. What were the key results of this study? Do their results support their hypotheses?
1. How do they (or would you) suggest following up on their study? If you were to do the study over again, is there anything you would change?
Please submit what you found to your professor within one week of getting this assignment.
Remember that you can ask for help from the Library Reference Desk or your professor.