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Popular Culture: Books

Call Number Ranges

Search the Library Catalog by clicking here to find books and videos available at the COD Library.   Help Using the Library Catalog

Some selected new books are highlighted below.

One sample search might be something like:  "popular culture" AND music*

The asterisks at the end of the word are truncation features, and allow you to pick up variations of the word:

music or musician or musicians or musical   without having to type out separately all the variations of a word.

The quotation marks around a phrase mean, search  for that exact phrase, not each word separately.

E-book databases     and     Online Video databases

Help Using the Library Catalog

Items on Course Reserve at the downstairs Library Circulation Desk


Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books on the shelves).

Want to know where specific collections are located?  Check out the maps of the Library's upper and lower floors.  

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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