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Finding Scholarship Written by Diverse Authors: Finding Authors in non-western countries - Google Scholar

Google Scholar – Finding diverse authors in non-western countries

Google Scholar can be a great way to search for scholarship by diverse scholars located in a specific country.  

This can be done by site searching by country.  

  1. Search Google (or your web search engine of choice) for the two-letter internet code, or “Top-level Domain Name”:  for example, type the <name of country> Internet Code, or head over to Wikipedia for a list of the codes. 
  2. Go to and enter your search words, followed by the words SITE and the country two letter code.  For this example, I'll use the South Africa, who's code is .ZA, and the topic is Marriage Rites 
  3. "Marriage Rites" site:za

This will produce results of scholarship published within that country domain.  You can use the search results to identify non-western scholars from a specific country, and then do a search within library databases, book catalogs, or on the open web.  

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  • Last Updated: Aug 16, 2023 5:37 AM
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