Use the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics to look up important chemical information about your compounds/sources.
Recommended Citation
CAS Number, "Table." in Book, edition (Format), editor, Publisher, Location.
Example citing cyclohexanone (my sample compound from class):
108.94.1."Physical Constants of Organic Compounds," in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 105th Edition (Internet Version 2023), John R. Rumble, ed., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL.
*** If you are citing more than one compound, list multiple CAS numbers separated by commas.***
Searching Knovel
You will want to use the Chrome browser when you're searching Knovel. If you are using an adblocker in your browser, you'll need to make sure that is turned off as well.
Start by using the search box to find the "Basic Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds" table. (Make sure you pick the option that is labeled "Knovel Critical Tables," not the sample.)
Once you've opened that, input your compound information, using the CAS-RN to find your data.
If you have issues seeing any popup responses from your table (such as synonyms) from your table, make sure any ad blocker you have is turned off. If this still isn't helpful, try changing your browser up. Contact me with any questions.
Having issues accessing this database? Look at the notes under the video.
Recommended Citation:
CAS Number, "Table." in Book [Format], ed.; Publisher, year, URL.
Example citing my compound:
79-20-9. "Basic Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds." In Knovel Critical Tables [Online], 2nd ed.; Knovel Corporation, 2008.
Having trouble accessing and using Knovel?
If you are using Knovel off-campus for the first time, you may see a screen with a message in a red bar at the top that asks you to complete your profile to access Knovel. In that case, follow the following steps:
Confused? Click here to see a screenshot of where to focus on the popup screen.
Click on the "Cite link on the right side of the screen to get a citation.
Find physical data on your compound by searching by CAS-RN or by structure. (Note: In this database, the CAS-RN is only referred to as RN.)
When searching ChemSpider, you will want to be certain to use experimental data rather than predicted data. Be sure to look for the word "experimental" in your results.
Recommended Citation:
Royal Society of Chemistry (2025). ChemSpider Compound Summary for CAS # Fill in here. Retrieved January 29, 2025 from
Make sure that you update the highlighted fields to include the date (2024), the right CAS #, and the date you accessed ChemSpider.
There are citation examples in each box above. Please contact the library if you have any questions. (You can also find more APA style citation information at the link below.)