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Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.
When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:
General collection materials contain:
Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources.
Gale eBooks is a collection of online reference books on a variety of topics including business, history, literature, health & medicine, social science, technology, and more. The inclusion of key word definitions within its concise encyclopedia entries makes this database the perfect starting point for professional and personal research.
MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) consumer health web portal. It contains reputable information on health topics, medical tests, drugs and supplements, genetics, the latest medical news, and more in a variety of reading levels and languages, including Spanish. Its medical encyclopedia contains images and videos. It can be linked to EHRs (Electronic Health Records) and should be the first stop when seeking health information on the internet.
The story of one woman's struggle to care for her seriously ill husband-and a revealing look at the role unpaid family caregivers play in a society that fails to provide them with structural support.
Today more than 40 million people in the U.S. find themselves responsible for caring for a parent, relative, or friend. Building Better Caregivers shares the best in caregiving research and the most important lessons learned from thousands of caregivers.
A personal, professional, and sometimes humorous approach to the challenges, benefits, pitfalls and problems of hiring in-home caregivers.
Nine crucial steps for effective, successful family caregiving, turning chaos into confidence during this most crucial of life stages.
Jolene Brackey has a vision: that we will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer's disease to focus more of our energies on creating moments of joy. (available in print and e-book)
The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers helps family members navigate tough decisions and make the most of their time together as they care for an aging parent.