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Consumer Health Resources: Find Health Books

Resources and tips for patients and health consumers


Stop being a passive patient (recipient of care). YOU. Are. Important. Your health and well-being are important. Become a proactive partner in your health & wellness journey.

This guide, created by the College of Dupage Library's Health Science Librarian, contains helpful consumer health resources and research tips. The College of DuPage and the C.O.D. Library do not create or control any of these resources, and they will not be held responsible for misuse of information or any adverse effects of recommendations stated in these resources.

Health Information should always be discussed with your health care provider, who can interpret it for you and apply it to your individual case.


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Need research help and not sure where to turn? Get help from the library via email, chat, and online appointments or stop by one of our reference desks during open hours of operation. 

Want to contact your Nursing & Health Sciences Librarian or set up a virtual or F2F appointment with her? Email Debra Smith:

Search the Library Catalog

Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.

Advanced Search

Catalog Search Tips

When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:

  • Enter the title of a book (if you know it) putting the title in quotes
  • Keyword search for disease/condition (to further refine your search, add AND treatment or AND diagnosis) for example: migraine AND treatment
  • Try a subject search for a disease/condition and add: --popular works (example: diabetes—popular works) to limit results to items designed for the general public/health consumers
  • Limit by publication type (eBooks, print, videos), publication date, location
  • The Library has print and e-books available.
  • Learn more about using the COD Library Catalog

General Collection

General collection materials contain:

  • A wide variety of resources (biographies, exercise, self-help, nutrition/cookbooks, source books, and textbooks)
  • Many different formats (books, audio books, e-books, videos, software)
  • Both fiction and nonfiction materials
  • Materials designed for all age groups and education levels (the very young, kids, teens, adults, seniors, students, or professionals)
  • You can check general collection items out and take them home!

Reference Sources

Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources.

Electronic Reference

Physical Reference

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary REF R 121.D73 (Ready Reference--located at our reference desks)



Featured Titles

Already Toast

The story of one woman's struggle to care for her seriously ill husband-and a revealing look at the role unpaid family caregivers play in a society that fails to provide them with structural support.

Building Better Caregivers

Today more than 40 million people in the U.S. find themselves responsible for caring for a parent, relative, or friend. Building Better Caregivers shares the best in caregiving research and the most important lessons learned from thousands of caregivers.

Aging with Care

A personal, professional, and sometimes humorous approach to the challenges, benefits, pitfalls and problems of hiring in-home caregivers.

Passages in Caregiving

Nine crucial steps for effective, successful family caregiving, turning chaos into confidence during this most crucial of life stages.

Creating Moments of Joy along the Alzheimer's Journey

Jolene Brackey has a vision: that we will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer's disease to focus more of our energies on creating moments of joy. (available in print and e-book)

The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers

The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers helps family members navigate tough decisions and make the most of their time together as they care for an aging parent.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 12:15 PM
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