Use databases to locate journal, magazine, newspaper or specialized articles. You can use your COD MyAccess username and password to download articles from off-campus.
Databases are organized collections of information that you can search on a variety of fields, like title and author's name. iTunes is a database and so is Amazon. Even your contacts list in your phone is a type of mini database. The Library has databases of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals. We also have databases of streaming videos, music and e-books. The difference between our databases and iTunes or Amazon is that our stuff is free for you to use.
You can browse the library's databases here:
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
Associates Programs Source Plus contains popular and scholarly articles and videos for areas such as accounting, agriculture, childcare, computer science, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary arts, fashion, fire science, forestry, graphic arts, hospitality, interior design, massage therapy, plumbing, veterinary technology, and welding.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship covers all major areas of starting and operating a business: financing, management, marketing, human resources, franchising, accounting, taxes, and more. Some notable resources include broad overviews of business topics and example business plans from actual businesses.
JSTOR provides electronic access to major journal titles, eBooks, and images. Subjects covered by this database include art, biology, business, ecology, botany, general science, language, literature, mathematics, sustainability, security, music, and more. JSTOR is a great resource for general research. A personal account can be created to store and organize resources.
Provides indexing and full-text coverage of the Chicago Tribune from 1989-present.
The New York Times Digital Edition provides access to breaking news, podcasts, newsletters, and articles from the daily print edition. Additional features include NYTs Cooking, Wirecuttter, Audio, and limited games. Download the NYTs News, Cooking, or Audio apps for faster access to the content you want most. NYTs Audio only on iOS.
Create an account with your COD email to access this resource.
For inspiration and the latest style trends try:
OverDrive is a growing collection of popular eBooks, eAudio and magazines available for download. Users may checkout materials for up to three weeks and place holds on eBooks and eAudio currently in use. Available in browser and on the Libby app.
COD Students, Faculty, and Staff sign in with their school email. District Residents sign in with their library card number and pin.
Learn about The Libby App by OverDrive here.
Flipster is a digital magazine platform featuring popular and educational titles on a variety of subjects and interests. Printing and access to an assortment of back issues is possible. Available on desktop and mobile.
Sign in with your COD email to access this resource through the mobile app.
Or consult the full list of Cosmetology Databases
To locate specific magazine and journal titles, use the Journal Locator tool.
American Salon
American Spa