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Cosmetology 1101: Home

Historical and Cultural Significance of Beauty Practices

The goal of your presentation is to inform your colleagues about the history and cultural significance of a beauty/cosmetic practice.
You will use library resources and websites to develop your presentation.
See below for suggested library resources.
You should use images in your presentation.

Your Responsibilities

You'll deliver a 5 minute presentation to the class.
You will produce a presentations slide set and script that must include:
The beauty practice [Example topics below] (1-2 slides)
Discussion of the practice (1-2 slides)
Discussion of the cultural / social significance of the practice (1-2 slides)
Any other interesting information that you find out (1 or more slides)
A bibliography (1 slide)
All images should have a reference. (See example)
You will hand in your presentation slides and your script to your instructor.

Example Topics

Feel free to choose your own topic. IMPORTANT: Check with your instructor before you begin working on a topic.
Here are some examples:
Ingesting Arsenic
Lead-based cosmetics
Skin Bleaching
Hair dying
"Good Hair"
Lip coloring (Lipstick)

Required References

Three sources total (or more if you like!)
One source must be a book.
Your website selections must be credible. See COD Library's Evaluating Sources Guide.

How to Create a Bibliography

We will use the "simplified citation style" for this assignment. Please refer to the Simplified Citations page to learn how to create your Bibliography.

Grading Rubric

Your presentation will be graded using the following criteria. Your instructor will give you specific details about the number of points/grades.

  • Accuracy: The student followed the directions for the assignment.
  • Completeness: All elements of the project are complete.
  • Resource Quality: The web resources chosen for the project are of sufficient quality. The web resources utilized in the project are appropriate for College-level work.
  • Citations: The simplified citation style was applied accurately in the bibliography.
  • Writing and Grammar: The presentation and script are without grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Images: The images used in the presentation illustrated concepts appropriately. Images are relevant to the topic and/or discussion.
  • Links to images taken from the Internet are included in the presentation
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  • Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 12:25 PM
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