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Early Childhood Education and Care: Print Books


This guide is a starting point for finding resources related to early childhood education and care.

Call Number Ranges

Use these call number ranges to browse the General Collection and the Reference Collection.

HQ 767.8 - HQ  792.2            Families and children, child development, child-rearing, play, socialization, children's rights
LB 1101 - LB 1139.5 Early childhood education
LB 1140 - LB 1140.5 Preschool education, nursery schools
LB 1141 - LB 1489 Kindergarten
LC 3950 - LC 4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education

Looking for print books on these subjects?

The links below will send you to our book catalog and a search for books about said subject. The search is narrowed down to only print books available for checkout in the library.

   Early Childhood Education

   Child Development

   Child Care

   Inclusive teaching strategies

  Early Childhood Mathematics  

Recommended Titles in the Library

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
  • Print Page