Need research help and not sure where to turn? Get help from the library via email, chat, and online appointments or stop by one of our reference desks during open hours of operation.
Want to contact your Nursing & Health Sciences Librarian or set up a virtual or F2F appointment with her? Email Debra Smith:
Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.
When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:
Use these call number ranges to browse the General Collection and the Reference Collection.
Also look for e-books and streaming videos.
Subject | Call Number Range |
Emergency Medical Services | RA 645.5 - 645.9 |
Medical Emergencies, Critical Care, Intensive Care, First Aid | RC 86 - 88.9 |
Search the Library catalog for relevant EMT/Paramedic topics such as: anatomy; ambulance drivers; emergency medical personnel; emergency medical services; emergency medical technicians, emergency medicine; medical emergencies, pediatric emergencies; physiology; or rescue work
The COD Library has a variety of online and print resources to help you prepare for your EMT or Paramedic certification exams. The easiest way to find them is to copy/paste the following search into the COD Library catalog search box:
Or click here to automatically run the search
Most of our exam prep resources are located in the CCIC (Career and College Information Center) located on the upper floor of the Library adjacent to the public computing workstations and within sight of the upper floor reference desk. Don't hesitate to ask for help finding these resources!
Gale eBooks is a collection of online reference books on a variety of topics including business, history, literature, health & medicine, social science, technology, and more. The inclusion of key word definitions within its concise encyclopedia entries makes this database the perfect starting point for professional and personal research.
MedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) consumer health web portal. It contains reputable information on health topics, medical tests, drugs and supplements, genetics, the latest medical news, and more in a variety of reading levels and languages, including Spanish. Its medical encyclopedia contains images and videos. It can be linked to EHRs (Electronic Health Records) and should be the first stop when seeking health information on the internet.
Micromedex is an evidence-based, multi-database drug search engine that provides summary and in-depth information for drugs (both prescription and over-the-counter products), diseases, toxicology, and alternative medicine. Its clinical tools include IV compatibility, drug identification, drug interactions, drug comparisons, and clinical calculators.
If you are looking for information on the MobileMicromedex app, please click here.
Volume 1. Introduction to advanced prehospital care -- volume 2. Patient assessment -- volume 3. Medical emergencies -- volume 4. Trauma emergencies -- volume 5. Special considerations and operations
Both a comprehensive learning tool for paramedic students and a reliable desk reference for emergency physicians. Reviewed and endorsed by the AAOS and the NAEMSP, reflects 2015 ECC and CPR guidelines
Based on the National EMS Education Standards and the 2015 CPR/ECC Guidelines, offers complete coverage of every competency statement ensuring students' comprehension and encouraging critical thinking.
A complete guide to need-to-know medications for EMS personnel