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Geology: Websites

Using Websites

Websites can be a powerful way to research current developments in your subject, from seeing the websites of current researchers (and their topics of research) to videos that explain how to solve problems (both ethical and mathematical).  Check the box below for examples of different websites that might help you research.

Keep in mind that you'll want to evaluate all information you find carefully.  Need help figuring out how to separate the good from the bad?  Check out our guide to Source Evaluation.

Learning and Research

NSF Earth Sciences Division
The National Science Foundation's Earth Sciences Division has the latest news and announcements in the field, as well as simple explanations, programs, and other helpful information.
Geoscience news and information
Arxiv is a massive pre-publication open database of scholarly articles in astronomy, physics, and related subjects. 

Data Sources

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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