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Assignment Design: Home

Assignment Design

Learn More with Magna Digital Library

Magna Digital Library programs are available to all COD Employees. To activate your account, follow the instructions in the Institutional Membership Information (requires COD login)


  • Prepared Students: The Secret's in the Assignment Strategy - It's no secret that prepared students learn more and achieve better outcomes. This Magna 40-Minute Seminar helps you identify why your students are not coming to class prepared and then determines what you can do about it.
  • Teaching Strategies and Assignments for Blended and Flipped Classrooms - If you are interested in shifting your classroom from face-to-face to a blended or flipped classroom, this online seminar provides actionable ideas, strategies, and assignments to effectively make the transition.
  • Using Authentic Assessment to Assess Student Learning - This Magna Online Seminar will help you develop authentic assignments and assessment mechanisms to help encourage a holistic understanding of student learning.
  • Grading Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Rigor - Increase student motivation, produce higher-quality student work, and encourage student responsibility and academic integrity, all while making assessment less stressful for students and simplifying the grading process for themselves.
  • Maximizing Student Engagement with Course Readings - Have you ever had difficulty getting students to complete required readings? Is it a challenge to get them to think more critically about the content? This Magna Online Seminar will introduce four methods for increasing your students’ engagement with course readings. Each method will be explored in detail, and all materials will be supplied for you to use these activities with your own classes.


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  • Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 10:01 AM
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