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Math 1635: Hill: Finding Articles

Finding Quantitative Articles

You can find qualitative or quantitative research articles in a wide variety of databases. 

Your choice of topic will help to determine what databases are most helpful.  That said, here are some popular ones you might try, and tips you might use to look for a qualitative/quantitative article:

Note that while PsycArticles has a methodology (quantitative or qualitative) limiter, the other two databases do not. 

Make sure that you include search terms related to the methodology you're seeking.  For example, adding "Quantitative OR Statistics OR Statistical to Academic Search Ultimate or Science Direct will help to narrow down your result list to only quantitative articles.  See the image below for a sense.  


Once you've found an article you like, try to find one on a similar topic.  For example, if I begin searching for articles about baseball and find info about shoulder injuries (such as the example article) try to add injury to your search as well, so that you're looking at a focused set of information. 

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