Use the links below to find sources, including scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, from the COD databases. You'll need your COD MyAccess username and password to access these resources.
Oxford Music contains articles, biographies, topic overviews, and images on musical genres, musicians, composers, and more. Search for music-related sources by topic, instrument, era, geographic region, and occupation.
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
JSTOR provides electronic access to major journal titles, eBooks, and images. Subjects covered by this database include art, biology, business, ecology, botany, general science, language, literature, mathematics, sustainability, security, music, and more. JSTOR is a great resource for general research. A personal account can be created to store and organize resources.
The New York Times Digital Edition provides access to breaking news, podcasts, newsletters, and articles from the daily print edition. Additional features include NYTs Cooking, Wirecuttter, Audio, and limited games. Download the NYTs News, Cooking, or Audio apps for faster access to the content you want most. NYTs Audio only on iOS.
Create an account with your COD email to access this resource.
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
Credo Reference provides access to a broad selection of dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations, and atlases, plus a wide range of subject-specific titles. Includes a built-in mind map to help students brainstorm search terms. Credo is a great place to start your research.
Oxford Music contains articles, biographies, topic overviews, and images on musical genres, musicians, composers, and more. Search for music-related sources by topic, instrument, era, geographic region, and occupation.