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Online Teaching: Online Library Instruction

Asynchronous Library Instruction

Here are some of the ways the Library and your liaison librarian can contribute to your online courses:

Embed the Library in your Blackboard course
Create a link in your Blackboard course menu that directs your students to your liaison librarian or to a discipline-specific research guide.

Embed Library content in your Blackboard course
The Library's electronic resources can be linked from or embedded in Blackboard.

Embed a Librarian in your Blackboard course
Contact your liaison librarian to discuss how you might collaborate to create information literacy instruction and assessment in your Blackboard class.

Synchronous Library Instruction

You can schedule virtual class meetings (VCM) with an instruction librarian. Using Blackboard Collaborate, instruction librarians can join your class as a guest presenter and facilitate synchronous instruction sessions to support selected information literacy outcomes.

Contact your liaison librarian to discuss learning outcomes, collaborate on assignment design, or to schedule a virtual class meeting.


Virtual Reference

You and your students can reach us by phone, chat and email, or by appointment.

Call Us  

Reference: (630) 942-3364

For help locating research, information, and items in the Library.

Connect Online

Library Chat is available during regular Library hours.


Contact us via our email form and we'll respond within 24 hours.

Make a Reference Appointment

Schedule an online consultation with our reference librarians.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 6, 2024 9:15 AM
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