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Phil 1125 - Critical Thinking - Adam Hogan: S.I.F.T

Evaluating Information in the Age of Fake News

Each group will investigate the following sources and learn about the following:

The source of the information - what can you learn about who is responsible for publishing this information?

Was the truthfulness of the information challenged?  Was the information supported or debunked?

What steps did you take in your investigation?  Cite specific sources you consulted.  



Lecture slides from library workshop

S.I.F.T. A process for evaluating information


  • Before you read the article, STOP!  

  • Before you share the video, STOP!  

  • Before you act on a strong emotional response to a headline, STOP!  

    • Ask yourself: Do I know this website? Do I know this information source? Do I know it's reputation?

I- Investigate the Source

I - Investigate the Source

Look at what the Web is saying about the organization, not what it’s saying about itself. 

Use Google or Wikipedia to investigate a news organization or other resource.


F- Find Better (or at least different) Coverage


How to know if a fact-checking site is neutral/credible/legitimate?

  • Same test as checking a news site - ex. wikipedia 
  • Verify one fact checking organization through another


Rely on Established Media

  • Fact Checking is an established journalistic practice.  

Journalists do it, you should, too.  

T - Trace Claims, Quotes, and Media Back to the Original Context

  • Open up the original reporting sources listed in a bibliography or within the text, if present

  • Click through to follow links to claims

  • Look at the context in the original article -  was the claim, quote, or media fairly represented?

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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