To download and use Micromedex MOBILE apps, you will need to obtain the latest passwords found within the Micromedex database's Download Mobile Apps button or Mobile Application Access link (see image above).
Micromedex updates frequently and the mobile version's passwords change too. Don't contact the Library for passwords.
Access the Micromedex database via the COD Library Web site ( using the Databases page OR via the Articles section of a COD Library Nursing or other Health Sciences Research Guide.
Click on the Mobile Application Access link located on the right side at the top of the page OR the Download Mobile Apps button at the bottom right of the page.
From the download page, select the Micromedex Native Mobile Apps option.
Several apps are available. SCROLL DOWN to see all available apps.
If a password is necessary, it will be included in the app download information (usually in step #4).
Write down the password and then proceed to either the App store, or Google Play to download the app. Enter the password when prompted.
Micromedex is constantly tweaking apps as well as updating clinical content on a daily basis.
You will be prompted to update this app frequently.
Always go to Micromedex through the COD Library pages and navigate to the download center for the password to update the app(s)!
Until you familiarize yourself with all of the features available in Micromedex, consider using the "full" version on a PC or Laptop. Then replicate your search on your mobile device using the mobileMicromedex app(s) and familiarize yourself with how to "drill down" to get the same information.
Micromedex (the full version) provides a clear visual picture (links) to all information available on a given topic, but the same information provided in mobileMicromedex may be available 3 or 4 screens (clicks) in on a hand-held device. If you aren't familiar with what information is available in Micromedex, it may be harder to locate information using the mobile apps until you learn where the information is embedded.