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Digital Art 2226 Class Guide Weaver : Introduction / Research Strategies



This guide is designed to help you find resources for Professor Weaver's  assignment.  If you need additional help, please contact the Arts librarian, Ken Orenic. You can also get help at the Library's reference services page.  

The COD Library provides access to a host of resources, including print books, eBooks, and databases that are available for online use. 

To access Library online resources, you need to know your COD MyAccess username and password. 

To get print books from the Library, you'll need your library card number, which can be obtained using this online form. Student and Staff ID Cards can be activated online.   

The Assignment

Artist Presentation

Choose one sound or video artist from the list below. Research the artist’s work and record an engaging, informative, image-based 8-12 minute video presentation. The majority of the presentation should be about the artist’s sound, video, or performance work and the main ideas the work addresses, but you may include one slide about the artist’s bio if relevant. Become an expert. Include a video/sound clip in your presentation (up to two minutes). Please include a bibliography slide at the end of the presentation with a minimum of 10 sources (print and online sources).  

Presentations should address the following (although not necessarily in this order):

  • What media and approach does this artist use?
  • Show a video clip or two (no more than 2 min) and give a detailed synopsis of at least 2 pieces
  • What is the main idea/driving force behind the artwork? (What is it responding to?)
  • How is the artist responding specifically to a time period and/or location? • What/who are they inspired by?
  • What are the identifying qualities of the artist’s style?
  • How has the artist's work changed over time? (Cite specific dates/pieces)
  • What controversy surrounds this artist’s work? (Cite articles from magazines, journals, newspapers—print and online sources)
  • What do you find interesting about the work?


Choose from the following:

Sound & Performance:

John Cage (4’33” and Water Walk)


Steve Reich

Alvin Lucier

Laurie Anderson (O Superman)

Janett Cardiff & George Burres Miller (Alter Bahnhof, walks, Murder of the Crows)

Samson Young

Florian Hecker


Video, Performance, Installation:

Ryoji Ikeda (Transfinite)

Martha Rossler

Joan Jonas

Bill Viola

Pipilotti Rist

Nam June Paik

Tony Oursler

Christian Marclay

Doug Gordon

Diana Thater

Cory Arcangel

Janet Biggs

Glitch Art

Using the Library From Off Campus

Access Online Resources

You'll need your COD MyAccess username and password to access the COD Library's databases.  Materials accessible include ebooks, scholarly and peer-reviewed articles, magazine and newspaper articles, films, and sound recordings.  



Suggested Research Steps

Get some background information on your artist

  • Do an Internet search for your artist.  Look at sites that address the assignment questions. 

Search the library’s EBooks/catalog for books:

  • by/about your artist
  • about the time period and/or location to which the artist is responding
  • controversies surrounding the artist’s work
  • on the genre, medium or style with which your artist is associated
  • other questions

Search for reviews of your artist’s work

  • Search the NY Times or other major newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, LA Times, etc.

Search library databases for articles on your artist/work

  • Many articles will offer critiques/reviews of specific works, why the artist created the work (driving force, response to time period or location, artist’s inspiration, qualities of the artist’s style, controversies, and other information


  • Many databases and the catalog offer ready-made citations.  Use them, but make sure that they are following the rules.  Go to the Library’s home site and see the citation page for more information on how create/verify accuracy of citations. 

Finding a specific word or phrase on a webpage

  • Word or Phrase Search - hold down the "Control" or "CTRL" key ("Command" or CMD on a Mac) and press the "F" key.  This will open a search box where you can enter a term and find it on the page. 



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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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