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Ethics 1110- Professor Kulanjiyil: Assignment Information & Examples

Fall 2024 Assignment

Term Essay: State a moral dilemma you have PERSONALLY ENCOUNTERED in the past, clearly indicating the nature of moral issue (s) involved, and the actions you have taken then to resolve it. Explain the moral reasoning for those actions? What results? Were you able to resolve the issue(s) in a morally satisfactory manner? In reconsidering the case today, would you approach this particular dilemma in the same manner as in the past, or would you handle it differently? Why or why not?

Rather than being a mere opinion paper, this must be a thoroughly research-based discussion with scholarly input. You will identify prominent ethicists and theorists who can offer both perspectives and resolutions to the case in point.

The paper must demonstrate your ability to critically examine the issue(s) with insight and theoretical understanding. Your current course work in ethics should help you in this. The quality of your essay will be determined by the kind of discussion and analysis you offer, supported by credible academic, scholarly sources.

Some general subject areas may include Lying, cheating, breaking promises, stealing, abortion, allowing someone to die, human rights violation, racial and social discrimination, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, truth telling, informed consent and confidentiality in medicine, & animal rights. These topics are only some examples, but you may propose any topic that has a bearing on your moral awareness. Yet, please note that you cannot adopt a story from elsewhere; but it has to be drawn from your own personal experience.

Example topic 1

Topic Example - Lying

My younger brother stole $10.00 from my dad’s wallet to get food with friends.  My dad noticed the money missing and totally freaked out, and immediately blamed my brother.  He started going after my brother to hit him, as he often does. I stepped up to say that I took the money, not my brother.  I didn’t want to see him be beaten again.



Find the Concepts, in this example- 
  • Lying, Violence, Ethics, Stealing, Protection


Find the Key Words

From here, brainstorm/Google for keywords the might describe your concepts -

  • Lying-  Untruthful, dishonest, deceptive
  • Violence - cruelty, sadism, force, inhumanity
  • Stealing -  Theft
  • Ethics - morals, morality, principles, virtues, credo, ethos 
  • Protection - Protecting, defense, shield
  • Try searching using JSTOR, Academic Search Ultimate, and the COD Library Catalog
    • Try the same search keywords in any of these resources.  
    • Remember to adjust your date to sources created in the past 20 years.  
  • Combine the key words that you found in your search, for example:  Lying and Violence, Ethics
  • You can also search for your topic AND an ethical theory, for example:  Lying AND Deontology





Example topic 2

Topic Example - Cheating 

I was under a lot of pressure to do well on an entrance exam to get into a good high school.  My family doesn’t have a lot of money, and it would be hard to pay the tuition. If I do well on this exam, I’ll get a full scholarship, so I cheated on it.  I figured that it was okay to cheat because in the long run I’ll make more money for my family, pay more taxes, stay off financial assistance, and generally I'll contribute to a better society.  



Find the Concepts, in this example- 
  • Cheating, "greater good" 


Find the Key Words

From here, brainstorm/google for keywords the might describe your concepts -

  • Cheating-  Deception, Dishonesty, Deceiving 
  • "Greater Good"  - Benefit, Welfare, Betterment 
  • Try searching using JSTOR, Academic Search Ultimate, and the COD Library Catalog
    • Try the same search keywords in any of these resources.  
    • Remember to adjust your date to sources created in the past 20 years.  
  • Combine the key words that you found in your search, for example:  Cheating AND Benefit 
  • You can also search for your topic AND an ethical theory, for example:  Cheating AND Deontology or Cheating AND Utilitarianism  
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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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