Welcome! This guide is designed to help you find books and articles to help you complete your Term Essay assignment for Professor Kulanjiyil's Ethics course.
If you need additional help, please contact the Philosophy librarian, Ken Orenic, or stop by the Library Reference Desk. You can also get help from our reference services page.
The COD Library provides access to a host of resources, including print books, eBooks, and databases that are available for online use. You'll need a valid library card number that can be obtained using this online form. Student and Staff ID Cards can be activated online.
(Image- "Ethics" by masondan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
ACLS Humanities E-Book collection focuses on the core disciplines of the humanities - literature, linguistics, history, art history, philosophy. Pages from this collection can be printed and emailed.
EBSCO eBooks Collection spans a variety of topics. Most books in this collection are in PDF format. Many titles in the EBSCO eBook Collection can be downloaded in their entirety to your computer or mobile reading device.
The Very Short Introductions collection began as a print series in 1995, offering brief informative introductions to a diverse range of subject areas in arts and humanities, law, medicine and health, science and mathematics, and social sciences.
Each book in this collection can be accessed by five users at a time. If the title you need is in use try again in a few minutes.
Credo Reference provides access to a broad selection of dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations, and atlases, plus a wide range of subject-specific titles. Includes a built-in mind map to help students brainstorm search terms. Credo is a great place to start your research.