Library | Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday |
COD Library staff are the link between you and the information that you need. Library reference staff will help you explore a topic, find data, pinpoint a source, and so much more. Need assistance finding accessible resources? Ask us!
Did you know that many of the videos and films located in the Library’s Streaming Video databases feature Closed Captioning (CC) and written transcripts? You will need to use your last name and Library barcode to access these streaming video databases from off campus.
Search our streaming video databases
Closed-captioned videos are shelved throughout the Library’s collection as well as in the popular video collection.
You can search for them in the Library Catalog by video title.
Search our Library catalog
Other closed captioned materials may be borrowed through the Captioned Media Program (
The Library has hundreds of books on tape and compact discs. In the Library Catalog, these are referred to as "audiobooks."
You can search the Library Catalog by book title, and include the keyword audiobook or limit search results to audiobook format.
Use the free OverDrive app to borrow and enjoy digital titles from the Library's e-audiobook collection. The OverDrive app is available for Android, Chromebook, iOS, Kindle and more. OverDrive also has a desktop app for Windows and Mac.
OverDrive is a growing collection of popular eBooks, eAudio and magazines available for download. Users may checkout materials for up to three weeks and place holds on eBooks and eAudio currently in use. Available in browser and on the Libby app.
COD Students, Faculty, and Staff sign in with their school email. District Residents sign in with their library card number and pin.
Learn about The Libby App by OverDrive here.
Several of COD Library’s journal article and book databases provide audio versions of articles/entries (e.g. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Academic OneFile and select HTML full-text entries in Ebsco databases such as Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, or PsychINFO). Consider downloading an MP3 instead of a PDF!
Search our databases
Ebook Central is a large and growing collection of books on a variety of topics. All books in this collection are also accessible through the COD Library catalog. Use your Ebook Central account to check out and download books, use the reading tools, and create reading lists.
Sign in with your COD email to access this resource.
Ebook Central promotes simplified access to all users with features such as:
Under the Settings tab, select Profile and turn Accessibility Mode to ON so that pages of books are presented as text rather than images, and other functions such as searching for a book or within the book are optimized for the screen.
Large Print books may be found in the Library Catalog. Search by title or keyword and add "large print" to your search terms.
Specific Large Print books may be requested through the I-SHARE or Interlibrary Loan services.
Located on the main floor, just outside the SRC 2024 Library classroom and on the upper floor of the Library next to the accessible workstation are the Clearview+ Speech (providing both a video magnifier and text-to-speech technology).
Enlarge material (books, newspapers, handouts, letters, and pictures) or change the high contrast viewing modes with one easy-to-use dial.
To activate the Speech feature, simply touch the screen and listen to articles, handouts, letters and books with a natural sounding voice and full page overview.
Insert a flash drive or SD card and save your text-to-speech files for later use. Not only can you use the Clearview+ to open and read saved documents, you can also view and enlarge saved picture files.