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The Earth Charter (EC) is a document with sixteen principles powering a global movement. When you apply it to your business, school or community, you begin turning conscience into action to make all life on Earth thrive.
The EC is an ethical foundation for actions to build a more just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It articulates a mindset of global interdependence and shared responsibility. It offers a vision of hope and a call to action.
The Earth Charter document starts with the Preamble, followed by the four pillars: Respect and Care for the Community of Life, Ecological Integrity, Social and Economic Justice, and Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace. It concludes with The Way Forward.
(Text drawn from the About Us section of the Earth Charter Website)
Once you have decided which of the Earth Charter Initiative points you'd like to address, start to gather data. What arguments can you make about your local community, or about DuPage County as a whole?
Use the Data Viewer to Data Viewer: Explore city, county, and state data on renewables, efficiency, and transportation. Check out the energy justice datasets.
Google Maps will show you a good physical layout of the county, from greenspace to public transportation options to whatever else you might be able to imagine.
Check out the Data tab to see Community Data Snapshots, a Regional Greenhouse gas emissions inventory, land use data, transportation data, and more.
Check this page to see county-level information on different county initiatives, including composting, recycling, and sustainable energy. You can also search news releases put out by the county here: https://www.dupagecounty.gov/countynews.aspx?fid=1229
Data USA depends upon Census data and will provide county and even town level data about demographics, health, economics, housing, civics, etc.
If these websites don't have the detail you need, you can always search Google as well. Be sure to keep in mind the evaluation criteria in the box below.
While you're doing Google searches to either narrow your topic or in order to dig up more information on certain subject, you want to be careful to decide if the information you find is trustworthy.
When it comes to science, nearly everyone has opinions: should we be labeling genetically modified food for consumer's awareness? What will fracking do for our economy or our groundwater supply? Your job is to evaluate the information you can find through Google and Bing to find the good websites--those written by authors you can trust, with good and up-to-date information.
Authorship: Who created this website? What is their background on the topic? Are they trustworthy?
Bias: Why was the website created? What point of view does the author have? Does that limit the facts they present or how the facts are presented?
Date: How old is the information that is presented? Is it still accurate?
Questions? Check out the COD Library's guide to evaluating information.