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Botany: Study

Using the Library

Have questions about the physical layout of the library, where to find silent or quiet study spaces, or what equipment is available to you in the library?

Check out our guide to using the library.  

You can also ask us questions in person, via email, over chat whenever the library is in person, and by scheduling a research appointment on this page. 

Reference Books

We have a number of print reference books in the library, with a number focusing on growing conditions for plants, as well as cultural associations we develop with plants.  Try browsing QK and SB in the print reference section, or check our catalog.

Regional Reference Books

Botany Reference Databases

Models Collection

Flower Model We have a flower cell model which you're welcome to check out to use in our library:

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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