Information literacy is the ability to recognize an information need and then to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from a variety of sources to satisfy the need. The acquisition of information literacy skills contributes to an individual's development as a critical thinker, problem-solver, and independent learner.
A general library orientation is one aspect of information literacy instruction. General tours of the library address the most basic needs of doing research at the College of DuPage Library. Information literacy instruction can go beyond teaching the "finding skills" and include content that would address issues of evaluation and application into your course. Consult with your library liaison about he/she can do this in your discipline area.
Besides designing custom library instruction sessions to introduce library collections, services, and research tools, librarians can help in other ways. We will gladly create research guides tailored to your class, help you create research-based assignments, and suggest materials for your reading lists. We build on your course content and can work with you to best meet the needs of your students.
One advantage of scheduling a session is that your students' skills are assessed in the context of your class. Additionally, in the information world, resources and techniques change often; therefore, repeat attendance gives students another opportunity to learn and practice them.
No. The College's student demographics tell us that our students come with differing educational backgrounds. Those students who do have basic skills need to be exposed to college-level resources and advanced research techniques. Additionally, techniques and resources change rapidly. What they learned a year or two ago may now be outdated.
Instruction can take place in the Library in one of the Library's computer or traditional classrooms. In addition, arrangements can be made to come to your classroom.
Sure! Consult with your library liaison about arranging this.
Yes, as you would any other class session. Since we build upon the content of your class, we need you to be available to answer specific questions about the assignment and to contribute your experiences with researching in your discipline. Your presence also gives you the opportunity to hear about new developments at the C.O.D. Library and validates the importance of taking time to know how to use the library and do research.
Most of our sessions are 50-80 minutes long. However, consult with your library liaison about the time required to meet the needs of your assignment.
Most faculties prefer to convene in a classroom. The library has six classrooms available for classes. These classrooms can be reserved no more than three (3) days in advance of the desired date. Consult with your library liaison about availability.
COD graduates are expected to be able to explain the need for information; locate information effectively and efficiently; evaluate information and its sources critically; and use information effectively, ethically, and legally to accomplish a specific purpose. We recommend collaborating with a librarian to design effective learning and assessment that meets the needs of your curriculum.
Yes! There are so many ways to assess students' abilities to find and critically use information. Consult our list of ideas for research assignments.
Fabulous! A good way to start is to become familiar with the student learning outcomes established by the C.O.D. Librarians. Take a look at these and determine if the activities and assignments you use are incorporating these skill sets. We also welcome conversations about metacognition and how students move along a learning continuum from novice toward expertise in understanding information use.