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Horticulture 1100 Plant Information Sheet: Evaluating Websites

It's one thing to find a webpage on a specific plant. It's a trickier one to determine if the webpage is useful for your purposes.

This page provides some helpful strategies and questions you can use to evaluate the webpages you find.

Remember: you will need to use these strategies to do your evaluation write-up!

The Source and Beyond the Source

Ask yourself the following questions about the source, and your experience with the source.

The Source

  • What does it say / what is the main point?
  • Where was it published / posted?
  • When was it published / posted?
  • Who is the author / creator?
  • Why does it exist?
  • How does it incorporate evidence?

Beyond the Source

  • When was it changed?
  • Where did you access it?
  • What other information can you find about this topic?
  • Who's missing from the conversation?
  • Why do you need this information?
  • How did the information find you? How did you react?

Creative Commons License
The Source + Beyond the Source Evaluation Framework by DePaul University Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Created by Firouzeh Rismiller, Holly Cerney, Susan Shultz, Grace Spiewak, and Sveta Stoytcheva.

Sample Source and Beyond the Source Answers

Creative Commons License
The Source + Beyond the Source Evaluation Framework by DePaul University Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Created by Firouzeh Rismiller, Holly Cerney, Susan Shultz, Grace Spiewak, and Sveta Stoytcheva.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 13, 2024 1:21 PM
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