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U.S. Census: Home


This guide will list some of the resources available at the COD Library that you can use to find information when doing research on Census  issues and topics.

Information on the 2020 Census can be found below.

Some interesting background readings can be found here.

Over on the right are some other research tools that you can use to find information.

Be sure to ask for help at the Reference desks if you have questions or problems.

College Success Skills

COD Counseling Help

2020 U.S. Census

U.S. Census Bureau

Hagase Contar / Latino Census Count Me In campaign

Illinois 2020 Census website

DuPage County Complete Count Committee

2020 Census Response Rates by state

2020 Census Hard to Count map

Statistical Abstract of the United States.   Latest print editions at Ready Reference. Older editions at General HA 202 .U 5 S 93.

Many local public libraries also have programs to help people with the Census, so please check those public library websites.

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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