Image Search Tips
There are many places to find images. Locating high-quality images that clearly display normal and abnormal pathology is important for imaging professionals and students.
Many electronic sources utilize lower quality images because they have smaller file sizes and load faster in browsers. While great for fast-loads, these lower quality images are poor choices for educational projects and health science students/professionals.
DMI-specific textbooks, journals and websites publish high quality images designed to meet the educational needs of healthcare imaging professionals.
Places to locate quality images
- Library Catalog
- Scan from books and journal articles (flatbed & book scanners are available in the Library)
- Utilize the Library's Imaging Reserves Collection and General collection books
- Download images from the Library's diagnostic imaging ebooks

- Article Databases
- Search your disease/condition and imaging modality in the Library's databases--many articles contain diagnostic images
- Imaging Websites
- Explore the credible imaging websites linked from this guide
- Search Engines
- Select image search
- Search for disease or condition
- Narrow search results by adding words like diagnosis, treatment or a specific imaging modality (e.g. ultrasound or MRI)
- Try variations of image modality for more results (xray, x-ray, radiograph)

Helpful Hints
- Make certain the images that you find are HUMANS not ANIMALS!
- Veterinarians use diagnostic images too
- DO NOT save or download thumbnails, pull up the full size image then right click and save
- Thumbnails are low-quality replications of original pictures
- Collect all citation information before navigating away from a source (see the Research Toolkit for APA citation image examples)