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Eye Care (Ophthalmology): Books

This guide is a starting point for locating Eye Care Assistant and Ophthalmic Technician (Ophthalmology) books, videos, journal articles, images and credible websites.

The menu on the right will help you research, locate, evaluate and cite resources in APA style.

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Search the Library Catalog

Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.

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Catalog Search Tips

When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:

  • Enter the title of a book (if you know it) putting the title in quotes
  • Search by subject or keywords if you don't know a specific title
  • Limit by publication type (eBooks, print, videos), publication date, location
  • The Library has print and e-books available.
  • Learn more about using the COD Library Catalog

Subject Searching

Here are just a few of the many subjects assigned to eye care resources
diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological eye - anatomy
eye diseases eye - physiology
ophthalmic assistants ophthalmology
visual fields  

Call Number Ranges

Use these call number ranges to browse the Library's physical collection.

Also look for e-books and streaming media.

RE 1-994 Ophthalmology
RE 72.5 Ophthalmic Assistant
QP 475 Eye Physiology

Reference Sources

Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources.

Electronic Reference

Physical Reference

Conn's Current Therapy REF RM101 .C87

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment REF RC71 .A14

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary REF R 121.D73 (Ready Reference--located at our reference desks)

Goldman's Cecil Medicine REF RC46 .C423

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine REF RC46 .H333

Recommended Titles

Eye Pathology: An Atlas and Text

Here's a perfect introduction to basic eye pathology. Key Features: Identify ocular diseases and disorders with the aid of more than 750 high-quality color illustrations.

Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Exam Review Manual

The best-selling exam preparation manual

Certified Ophthalmic Technician Exam Review Manual

Contains the essential materials you need for certification as an ophthalmic technician. It is ideal for both individual and group study.

Adler's Physiology of the Eye

This full-color, user-friendly edition captures the latest molecular, genetic, and biochemical discoveries and offers you unparalleled knowledge and insight into the physiology of the eye and its structures.

Ophthalmic Dictionary and Vocabulary Builder for Eye Care Professionals

Ophthalmic Dictionary and Vocabulary Builder is a desk-size reference for ophthalmic words.

The Wills Eye Manual

Provides authoritative guidance on treating ocular disorders in an office, emergency room, or hospital setting.

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  • Last Updated: Oct 14, 2024 8:54 AM
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