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Global Flicks 2025: XTrillion

About the Movie


XTrillion is a documentary about an all-women crew of scientists, engineers, sailors, and teachers who sail 3,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean to research microplastics. A practical and moving look at the state of Planet Earth, grounded in reality but containing hope and calls for action. 

XTrillion film trailer (click on the image below) 



Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Duram, Leslie A. "Case Study 4: Great Pacific Garbage Patch." Environmental Geography: People and the Environment, ABC-CLIO, 2018, pp. 32-39. Gale eBooks, 

US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “What Is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?” NOAA’s National Ocean Service, National Ocean Service , 22 Apr. 2010, 


Lerner, K. Lee. "Microplastics." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by Katherine H. Nemeh and Jacqueline L. Longe, 6th ed., vol. 5, Gale, 2021, pp. 2845-2847. Gale eBooks, 


Le , Phuong. “X Trillion Review – All-Women Voyage to the ‘Pacific Garbage Patch’ Packs a Rousing Punch.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media Limited , 25 June 2024,

“X Trillion - a Film Following the Gruelling Journey of Exxpedition’s All-Women Crew.” Adventures 365 Blog, Another World Adventures , 24 May 2024,

About the North Pacific Gyre

NOAA. “NOAA Scientists to Survey Remote Area in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.” NOAA, Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center , 13 June 2022,


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