Library | 7:30am – 4:30pm |
Associates Programs Source Plus contains popular and scholarly articles and videos for areas such as accounting, agriculture, childcare, computer science, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary arts, fashion, fire science, forestry, graphic arts, hospitality, interior design, massage therapy, plumbing, veterinary technology, and welding.
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
Business Source Complete includes full-text, non-journal content such as financial data, monographs, major reference works, conference proceedings, case studies, company profiles, SWOT analyses, as well as industry, market, investment, and county reports. It covers all disciplines in business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship covers all major areas of starting and operating a business: financing, management, marketing, human resources, franchising, accounting, taxes, and more. Some notable resources include broad overviews of business topics and example business plans from actual businesses.
Statista provides statistical data on many topics including media, business, politics, society, technology, and education. Sources include market reports, opinion research institutions, trade publications, scientific journals, and government agencies. Charts can be downloaded or embedded for assignment purposes.
Use the Library's subscription databases to locate journal, magazine, and newspaper articles.
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