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Motion Picture / Television: Home

Cameraman on a video shootThis guide will help you find books, videos, articles and websites about motion picture and television production. If you need additional help, come to the Library Reference Desk or Ask A Librarian.

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Photo by Oscar Nord on Unsplash

Call Number Ranges

Use these call number ranges to browse the General Collection and the Reference Collection.

Also look for e-books and streaming media.

PN1990 - 1992.95 Broadcasting (Radio, Television, Web)
PN1993 - 1999 Motion pictures
PN4784 (Television & video journalism)
T 385 (Guides for applications like Photoshop and Illustrator)
TK 5105.88 (Internet and web technologies)
TR Photography (including Cinematography and Motion Pictures)

Reference Sources

Electronic Reference

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Recommended New Titles

The Animation Studies Reader

The Animation Studies Reader brings together both key writings within animation studies and new material in emerging areas of the field. The collection provides readers with seminal texts that ground animation studies within the contexts of theory and aesthetics, form and genre, and issues of representation.

Off the Page: screenwriting in the era of media convergence

The authors use the recent history of screenwriting labor coupled with close analysis of scripts in the context of the screenwriting paraindustry--from "how to write a winning script" books to screenwriting software--to explore the state of screenwriting today. They address the conglomerate studios making tentpole movies, expanded television, Indiewood, independent animation, microbudget scripting, the video games industry, and online content creation. Designed for students, producers, and writers who want to understand what studios want and why they want it, this book also examines how scripting is developing in the convergent media, beneath and beyond the Hollywood tentpole.

The Online Journalism Handbook

The Online Journalism Handbook has established itself globally as the leading guide to the fast-moving world of digital journalism, showcasing the multiple possibilities for researching, writing and storytelling offered to journalists through new technologies.

The solo video journalist : doing it all and doing it well in TV multimedia journalism

It is becoming increasingly important for television reporters to be proficient in many, if not all, of the steps in production. The Solo Video Journalist will make handling all these responsibilities seem possible, and do so from the hands-on perspective of a current reporter with years of experience as a multimedia journalist.

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  • Last Updated: Dec 10, 2024 1:52 PM
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