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Science and Politics: Background Readings

At Issue: Are Mass Extinctions Inevitable? General QE 721.2 .E 97 A 74 2012
At Issue: Human Waste. General TD 730 .H 86 2012
At Issue: What is the Impact of Green Practices? General GE195 .W 49 2016
Bioethics - short article
Bioethics - long article
Biopolitics and Biopower
The Borderlands of Science : Where Sense meets Nonsense General Q 173 .S 56 2001

Civilization and the Environment
Counterknowledge : How We Surrendered to Conspiracy Theories, Quack Medicine, Bogus Science and Fake History. General BF 773 .T 46 2008

Deep Ecology


Ecology and Religion

Environmental Crime
Environmental Ethics

Environmental Justice
Environmental Politics: A Very Short Introduction. General GE 170 .D 62 2016
Global Catastrophes: A Very Short Introduction. General GB 5018 .M 34 2014

Green Ideology

Green Laws and Incentives

Green Values

Junk  Science
Opposing Viewpoints: Garbage and Recycling. General TD 791 .G 37 2012
Opposing Viewpoints: Global Sustainability. General HC 79 .E 5 G 59147 2016
Opposing Viewpoints: Government Spending. General HJ 7537 .G 686 2013
Opposing Viewpoints: Scientific Research. General Q 180 .A 1 S 357 2015
Pseudoscience and Deception : The Smoke and Mirrors of Paranormal Claims. General BF1031 .P 78 2014

The Rare Metals War:  The Dark Side of Clean Energy and Digital Technologies.
Science and Technology in U.S. History (Themes in American History)

Science, Technology, and Politics
Science Wars
Scientific Doubt
Sustainability and Sustainable Development
This Idea Must Die: Scientific Ideas that are Blocking Progress. General Q 173 .T 54 2015
When can You Trust the Experts? : How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education. General LB 1028 .W 519175 2012

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