
Library News & Announcements

2021 African American Read-In Is Going Virtual!

~[394]~ Jenn Kelley ~[395]~ 2021-01-26T10:33:00-06:00 | 0 ~[396]~

Save the Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 4 pm.

The COD Library will be hosting the 2021 African American Read-In at a distance this year! While we'll miss hosting our readers in the Library, we are looking forward to the opportunity to invite even more of you to read, listen to, and enjoy African American literature in this new virtual space.

As always, all COD employees and students have two ways to participate in the African American Read-In - as a reader and as a listener. This year, readers will have the opportunity to record and submit short videos of their readings for inclusion in an on-demand video playlist. In addition to the playlist, the Library will livestream the African-American Read-In on Thursday, February 25th at 4 pm featuring selected reading videos.

Ready to read? Here's how:

1. Pick something to read.
The Read-In is an opportunity for readers to share a short piece of writing by an African American author. Our goal is to give readers a chance to introduce others in the community to their favorite writers and give listeners a chance to hear some of the diverse voices of African American literary traditions.

2. Record yourself reading (or contact the Media Lab for help).
See our tips and guidelines for more information on how to record a stellar reading! We also invite you to schedule an online appointment with the COD Library Media Lab. Staff members will help you record your reading on Zoom and even submit the video on your behalf.

3. Sign-up with your video.
Once your reading video is finished, complete the online sign-up form an we'll send you a personalized link to upload your video. After viewing your reading, we'll be in touch to confirm that it's Read-In ready or request more information.

For more information, including reading video guidelines and the online sign-up form, visit https://library.cod.edu/read-in/2021


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