Footnote or endnote:
1. Title, directed by First Name Last Name (Original Release Year; City: Studio/Distributor, Video Release Year), Medium.
1. The History of Modern Dance, directed by James Holzknecht (2008; New York: Insight Media, 2008), DVD.
Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Original Release Year; City: Studio/Distributor, Video Release Year. Medium.
Holzknecht, James, dir. The History of Modern Dance. 2008; New York: Insight Media, 2008. DVD.
Footnote or endnote:
2. Title of Work, season number, episode number, “Episode Title,” directed/written/performed by First Name Last Name, aired Date, on Network Name, Medium.
2. A History of Britain: The Complete Collection, season 5, episode 3, "Two Winstons," presented by Simon Schama, aired 2002, on BBC, A & E Home Video, 2002, DVD.
Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name, dir. Title of Work. Season number, episode number, “Episode Title.” Aired Date, on Network Name. Medium.
Schama, Simon, presenter. A History of Britain: The Complete Collection. Season 5, episode 3, "Two Winstons." Aired 2002, on BBC. A & E Home Video, 2002. DVD.
Footnote or endnote:
3. First Name Last Name, “Title,” Date, medium, length, URL.
3. Dustin Yellen, "A Journey Through the Mind of an Artist," filmed July 2014 in New York, TED video, 7:32,
Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. “Title.” Date. Medium, length. URL.
Yellen, Dustin. "A Journey Through the Mind of an Artist." Filmed July 2014 in New York. TED video, 7:32.
Footnote or endnote:
4. Name of group/composer/performer, “Title,” contributing personnel, recording date, track number on Name of Album, Recording Company or Publisher, Year of release, medium.
4. Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Yorktown," recorded 2015, track 20 on Hamilton: Original Broadway Cast Recording, Atlantic Records, 2015, 2 compact discs.
Bibliography entry:
Name of group or composer or performer. "Title." Contributing personnel. Recording date. Track number on Name of Album. Recording Company or Publisher, Year of release, medium.
Miranda, Lin-Manuel. "Yorktown." Recorded 2015. Track 20 on Hamilton: Original Broadway Cast Recording. Atlantic Records, 2015, 2 compact discs.
Footnote or endnote:
5. First Name Last Name, Title, Date, medium, Location.
5. Frida Kahlo, Still Life, 1942, oil on copper, Museo Frida Kahlo, Coyoacan, Mexico City, in Frida Kahlo: The Still Lifes, by Solomon Grimberg (New York: Merrell, 2008), 81.
6. August Macke, Lady in a Park, 1914, painting, The Museum of Modern Art, New York,
Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. Title. Date. Medium. Location.
Kahlo, Frida. Still Life. 1941. Oil on copper. Museo Frida Kahlo. Coyoacan, Mexico City. In Frida Kahlo: The Still Lifes, by Solomon Grimberg, 81. New York: Merrell, 2008.
Macke, August. Lady in a Park. 1914. Painting. The Museum of Modern Art. New York.