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Chicago / Turabian - Notes & Bibliography: Interviews & Personal Communication

Unpublished Interview

Tip: Unpublished interviews are usually cited in-text or in notes and not in the bibliography.


Footnote or endnote:
    1. First Name Last Name, Interviewer, Date, Place of Interview.

1. Jane Smith (college student), in discussion with the author, October 2019, Glen Ellyn, IL.

Published Interview

Footnote or endnote:
     2. First Name Last Name, “Title of Interview,” interview by First Name Last Name, Journal or Magazine Title, Volume number, Issue number (Date): page(s).
    2. Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Perspectives on the First Black Presidency: A Conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates,” interview by Patrick Boateng II, Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy (January 2013): 75-80. 


Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. "Title of Interview." By First Name Last Name. Journal or Magazine Title, Volume number, Issue        number (Date): page(s).
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. “Perspectives on the First Black Presidency: A Conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates.” By Patrick Boateng II. Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy (January 2013): 75–80. 

Broadcast Interview

Footnote or endnote:
    3. First Name Last Name, interview by First Name Last Name, Title of Broadcasting Program, Production Company, Date.
    3. Steven Spielberg, interview by Katie Couric, Good Morning America, ABC News, December 14, 2011,


Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. Title of Broadcasting Program. By First Name Last Name. Production Company. Date.
Spielberg, Steven. Good Morning America. By Katie Couric. ABC News. December 14, 2011.


Personal Communication

Tip: Personal communications are usually cited in-text or in notes and not in the bibliography. Contact information is generally not included.


Footnote or endnote:
    4. First Name Last Name, medium, Date.

4. Susan Jones, letter to author, June 14, 2018.

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