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Chicago / Turabian - Notes & Bibliography: Web Resources


Footnote or endnote:
    1. Title, Owner of Site, Date, URL.


    1. Shakespeare's Staging, Shakespeare Program of the University of California at Berkeley, updated 2016, 


Bibliography entry:
Owner of Site. Title. Date. URL.


Shakespeare Program of the University of California at Berkeley. Shakespeare's Staging. Updated 2016.

Tip: Provide publication or revision date if available, if not provide access date. 

Article on a Website

Footnote or endnote:
    2. First Name Last Name, “Title of Web Page,” Name of Website, Publishing Organization, Date, URL.


2. Rachel Sabino, "Gilding the Dead: Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt," Art Institute of Chicago, updated October 23, 2019, 


Bibliography entry:
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Web Page.” Name of Website. Publishing organization, Date. URL .


Sabino, Rachel. "Gilding the Dead: Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt." Art Institute of Chicago. Updated October 23, 2019. 

Tip: Provide publication or revision date if available, if not provide access date. 

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