Sites like Course Hero limit the number of documents you can view without creating an account, making it challenging for instructors to search for and identify their own course materials and file a takedown request. The Copyright Information Center at Cornell University Library recommends using Google's alert feature to create an automatic notification when select course materials appear on sites indexed by Google's search engine.
Remember, if you find course materials that YOU created on third-party websites that do not have your permission, you have the right to request that they are taken down.
Adapted from Cornell University Copyright Information Center
The information on this site is intended to inform the faculty, staff, and students at the College of DuPage about copyright and to provide guidelines for using and creating copyrighted material. The information should not be considered legal advice.
For more information contact the Library's Copyright Liaison.
Use this online form to notify Learning Technologies that your copyrighted material has been shared without your permission on a 3rd party website.