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Diagnostic Medical Imaging: Library Cards & Services

Use the COD Library From Home--COVID-19

COD students, faculty, and staff no longer need a barcode to access the Library's online resources. Use your COD network ID (Email, MyAccess, Blackboard, etc.) to access these resources. A Library card is only necessary for in-person checkouts.

Our COVID-19: Use the COD Library from Home page provides an overview of our resources and services.

With a COD Library Card & Your COD Network ID. . .

  • Gain 24/7 access to full-text electronic books and article databases
  • Check out videos, books, software, & anatomical models
  • Reserve small group study rooms
  • Borrow items from, visit and return items at participating I-Share libraries* (service limited to COD students, faculty, and staff)
  • Place FREE book and article Interlibrary Loans (ILL) if the Library doesn't have what you need
  • Remember, Library cards are FREE for C.O.D. students and District 502 community members
  • Learn more and GET A CARD...

Get to Know Your COD Library

Using the Library

find places to study and collaborate, connect with staff, and learn all about what the Library has to offer.
  • View maps of the Library's lower and upper floors


library video

Learn more about our AWESOME Library in this short YouTube video (4 min. 20 sec)

  • URL:
  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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