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EKG: Books


This guide is a starting point for locating Non-Invasive Electrocardiography (EKG)  books, videos, journal articles, images and credible websites.

The menu on the right will help you research, locate, evaluate and cite resources in APA style.

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Search the Library Catalog

Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.

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Catalog Search Tips

When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:

  • Enter the title of a book (if you know it) putting the title in quotes
  • Search by subject or keywords if you don't know a specific title
  • Limit by publication type (eBooks, print, videos), publication date, location
  • The Library has print and e-books available.
  • Learn more about using the COD Library Catalog

Searching the Collection

An easy way to start searching the Library catalog is to do a keyword search for words that describe your topic. You may need to experiment with keywords to find ones that work for your topic. Try a keyword search for ECG OR EKG. Once you find some items, you can use subject headings to find other items that cover the same topic.

Use this subject heading to browse the collection.

Another strategy is to search by call number. Health-related materials are shelved in the "R" section of libraries that use the Library of Congress classification system.

  • ECG and EKG books are located in the call number range RC683.5.E5

Library staff members will be happy to help you locate books--just ask!

Reference Sources

Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources.

Electronic Reference

Physical Reference

Conn's Current Therapy REF RM101 .C87

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment REF RC71 .A14

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary REF R 121.D73 (Ready Reference--located at our reference desks)

Goldman's Cecil Medicine REF RC46 .C423

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine REF RC46 .H333

Located in the GENERAL stacks is another useful book containing illustrations and text pertaining to various heart conditions:

The Ciba collection of medical illustrations: Volume 5, The Heart
GENERAL QM25 .N472 v.5

Recommended Titles

Interpreting ECGs

Uses an easy-to-understand, how-to approach to develop solid ECG analysis and recognition skills. Learn how to measure waveforms, segments and interval durations to determining heart rates and types of irregularity.

ECGs Made Easy

Each heart rhythm covered in the book includes a sample ECG rhythm strip and a discussion of possible patient symptoms and general treatment guidelines.

EKG Plain and Simple

Assuming no prior knowledge, the text covers basic to advanced EKG concepts.

Huszar's ECG and 12-Lead Interpretation

Helps you correlate ECG interpretation with clinical findings to identify and address selected heart rhythms.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 12:32 PM
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