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ANYONE can put information on the Internet. As a health care provider, you must carefully select and evaluate medical/health information before using it to treat patients or letting it influence how you perform your duties.
Use the evaluating sources section of this guide to help you determine the credibility of Web sites. A great final test is to ask yourself, "Would I want myself or someone that I care deeply about to be treated based on this information?" If the answer is "no," don't include such non-credible information in your academic projects either!
Merriam-Webster Online
Includes medical dictionary, thesaurus, Spanish-English, unabridged, visual, and ESL
Merck Manual--Consumer version
comprehensive medical resource for consumers
Merck Manual--Professional Edition
comprehensive medical resource for professionals
The Alan E. Lindsay ECG Learning Center
An interactive ECG tutorial providing an introduction to clinical electrocardiography from the University of Utah School of Medicine. Take a look at the "Imaging Index" tab
American Heart Association
The American Heart Association aims to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The website offers a wealth of information for heart patients and their families
Blaufuss Multimedia Heart Sounds and Cardiac Arrhythmias
Explore heart sounds, cardiac arrhythmias, and electrocardiograms with these free, interactive audio/visual tutorials
ECG Library
An electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. This library is a collection of realistic looking recordings which will help improve ECG reading skills
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides users with credible, reliable health information on topics such as: data and statistics; diseases and conditions; emergencies and disasters; environmental health; healthy living; injury, violence and safety; life stages and populations; travelers' health; workplace safety and health; and much more. This site contains information appropriate for adults, teens and kids
Provides access to 900+ health topics, medical encyclopedias and dictionaries, and links to self-help groups, clinical trials, preformulated PubMed searches, lists of hospitals and physicians, health and information in Spanish and other languages. Includes listings of diseases & conditions by body system.
MedScape Reference
An online clinical reference providing in-depth drug & disease information and tools to support clinical decision making. Content is designed for practicing medical professionals and includes diagnostic medical images. Free Registration to MedScape is required. To quickly locate information on a disease or condition, try Googling the word emedicine and your disease/condition (i.e. emedicine pertussis). Once you access the article, login for full content.
Created by The Nemours Foundation's Center for Children's Health Media, this site offers families accurate, up-to-date, easy-to-understand health information. It has separate content areas for kids, teens, and parents written in an age-specific style